We would like to remind that the call for proposals of new international COST Actions of the programme COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is open. The nearest deadline is 23. 10. 2024. The next deadline is 21. 10. 2025. If you plan to participate in a proposal submitted to this call, please, inform the Project Management Department (Ludmila Součková, ludmila.souckova@natur.cuni.cz).If you are consider preparing a proposal as a coordinator (Main Proposer), please, contact us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, by the early May at the latest, so that we can plan high-quality application preparation.► Contact point at the Faculty of Science for the Czech national procedure for joining a COST Action: Romana Hogenová. (Only when the Action is approved on international level, Czech participants have to undergo this procedure.)► Contact point at the Faculty of Science for the international programme COST: Ludmila Součková. Open call for COST Action proposals (The call is continuously open with ca. one cut-off deadline each year.) The COST Open Call – Applicants’ Guidelines (Submission, Evaluation, Selection and Approval). Online COST Info Day 2024 (27. 3. 2024): recording, presentation, Q&A. About COST (in Czech) by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) including a description of the Czech national procedure for joining a COST Action (see “Procedura přijímání projektu COST v ČR”). About COST on Faculty website COST supports international collaboration in science and technology. It encourages interdisciplinarity and participation of young researchers. COST Actions funds only “networking” activities (e.g. meetings, workshops and conferences, short-term scientific missions, training schools, virtual mobility...), but not research itself. Duration of a COST Action is 4 years. Minimal requirements for a new COST Action: At least 7 Full or Cooperating Member Countries must participate in a proposal. At least 50% of the participating countries must be the so-called “Inclusiveness Target Countries” (ITCs) – Czechia is one of these. It is also possible to join an ongoing COST Action.About this possibility on Faculty website Support in Czechia: Inter-COSTResearchers from Czech institutions that are successfully involved in a COST Action and have gone through the Czech national procedure for joining a COST Action are eligible to apply for research funding from the Czech programme Inter-Excellence II, sub-programme Inter-COST. Inter-Excellence II webpage (in Czech).(In recent years, the Inter-COST call was usually announced in the first half of December with a deadline in early February, and applicants had to have already completed the Czech national procedure for joining a COST Action on the day of the call announcement.) News published by Ludmila Součková on 12. 4. 2024.Updated 24. 10. 2024 (information about nearest deadline updated after deadline 23. 10. 2024). Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter