The Czech Ministry of the Environment (Ministerstvo životního prostředí, MŽP), within the Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme II, announced a call for applications for support “Sustainable Tourism and Enhancing Biodiversity”. Deadline is 17. 2. 2025. Given the logic of the call, the main applicants should probably be the managers of the sites or owners of the land where the supported activities are to be implemented, however, researchers from the Faculty of Science could act as partners in the projects providing scientific expertise. On 3. 12. 2024, MŽP organise a seminar for applicants in Czech that can be followed online. About the event and registration, source (both in Czech). If you plan to participate in an application to this call, please, contact well in advance the Development Division (Jan Vyskočil,, so that all the formal requirements of the application can be prepared in time. Call announcement and documentation (in Czech). Call text in English – rules, supported activities, timeline etc. The call aims to contribute to enhancing biodiversity by reducing pressure on ecosystem functions and services in the landscape, especially in valuable natural sites. Project activities can be implemented within the territory of the Czech Republic, except for the territory of the Capital City of Prague. Supported activities: a.1) Enhancing biodiversity: Complex projects focused on unblocking migration barriers of selected landscape units for animal groups threatened by environmental fragmentation, including strengthening know-how and professional capacities in this area. a.2) Enhancing biodiversity: Measures aimed at monitoring the impact of landscape fragmentation on populations of selected species and specific proposals for systematic solutions to the described problem b.1) Sustainable tourism: Projects aimed at creating long-term strategic and conceptual solutions for sustainable tourism within large territorial units of high natural value (National parks, Specially Protected Areas, geoparks) providing systemic solutions for sustainable management of these areas and strengthening know-how and professional capacities b.2) Sustainable tourism: Measures aimed at monitoring the movement and behaviour of visitors in areas of natural value in order to direct their movement b.3) Sustainable tourism: Awareness-raising and education measures with influence of visitors on natural ecosystems The minimum budget per project is CZK 70 million, maximal funding rate is 90 %. Involvement of a Swiss partner in project implementation is not compulsory, but positively perceived (co-financing of the Swiss partner should be provided by the lead applicant). The project must describe its planned sustainability that must be set for a minimum of 5 years. News published by Ludmila Součková on 27. 11. 2024. Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities”newsletter