This information is no longer up-to-date. The European Partnership Biodiversa+ has announced its call for international research projects “Biodiversity and Transformative Change” (BiodivTransform). Deadline for pre-proposals is 8. 11. 2024. Participation of Czech entities is funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment. On 24. 9. 2023 (13:00–15:00), Biodiversa organise a webinar for applicants. About the event and registration. If you plan to participate in a project proposal, please, contact well in advance, 1 month before the deadline at the latest, the Project Management Department (Martina Holíková,, so that all the administrative requirements of the application can be prepared in time. If you consider coordinating a project, please contact us IMMEDIATELY,ca. 2 months before the deadline at the very latest. Call on Biodiversa+ website – call documentation, schedule, key links etc. Document 1: Announcement of Opportunity – supported topics, eligibility criteria, participating countries etc. Biodiversa Partner Search Tool. Database on previously funded Biodiversa projects. TA CR webpage for this call in Czech – documents for Czech participants, updates. TA CR webpage for this call in English (apparently not always up-to-date). Detailed instructions for Czech participants (in Czech). The projects should help to achieve the following strategic objective: producing actionable knowledge for transformative change to halt and reverse biodiversity decline. Proposals should be transnational and transdisciplinary, demonstrate both academic excellence and the potential to impact society and policy. The call is not restricted in terms of specific environments nor geographic areas, encompassing all realms (terrestrial, marine, coastal and freshwater) and ecosystems experiencing various levels and sources of disturbances, including transition zones and interfaces (coastal, wetlands, urban–rural, forest–agriculture, etc.). Note: Biodiversa+ also plans a call “Restoration of ecosystem function, integrity, and connectivity” (BiodivFunc) that should be announced in 2025. Preliminary information about BiodivFunc call. The project consortium must consist of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries participating in the call, out of that at least 2 must be EU member states or Horizon Europe associated countries – usual consortia size is ca. 4–6 partners from 3–5 countries. Project duration usually is up to 3 years. Each partner must fulfil the eligibility criteria of their national funder. Countries participating in the call: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal (Azores), Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, Türkiye. Funding of participation of Czech entities is linked to the TA CR programme Sigma (Sub-objective 4), only applied research is supported, and Czech applicants can participate only in projects with results applicable in Czechia. Total allocation of TA CR for this call is EUR 1 000 000, maximal funding for the Czech part of one project is EUR 170 000. Maximal funding rate for Czech participants is 80 % (for the Czech part of the project in total). Project proposals are to be submitted online by the coordinator via the Electronic Proposal Submission System. Czech participants must simultaneously submit to TA CR the compulsory national funding application. Submission of the national application to TA CR via data box and some parts of this application themselves will be secured by the faculty. Therefore, it is essential for applicants to inform well in advance the Project Management Department ( News published by Ludmila Součková 10. 9. 2024. Not the information you sought? Found a mistake? Please, let us know. Přehled všech grantových aktualit All current funding news Newsletter„Grantové informace” “Funding Opportunities” newsletter