Mgr. Michal Struška
Ph.D. student
Bone Tissue Anthropology Lab
Department of Anthropology and Human Genetics
Viničná 7, 128 00 Praha 2
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Vladimír Sládek, Ph.D.
Personal web:
Dissertation project:
The influence of body proportions on thermoregulation during running
Research focus:
Reconstruction of human behavior
The influence of body morphology on thermoregulation in the context of persistence hunting
Research projects and grants:
Principal investigator:
GAUK 324522 Vliv proporcí, teploty kůže a rychlosti pohybu tělesných segmentů na tepelné ztráty při vytrvalostním lovu. Vedoucí: doc. Mgr. Vladimír Sládek, Ph.D., spoluřešitelé: Mgr. Martin Hora Ph.D., Mgr. Pavla Alexia Jarešová, Bc. Vojtěch Mařík. (2022–2024)
Journal articles:
- Struška, M., Jarešová, P.A., Hora, M., Wall-Scheffler, C., Michálek, T., Sládek, V. (2024). Impact of relative lower-limb length on heat loss and body temperature during running. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, e25036.
- Hora, M., Struška, M., Matějovská, Z., Kubový, P., Sládek, V. (2023). Muscle activity during crouched walking. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 183, 79–91.
- Hora, M., Pontzer, H., Struška, M., Entin, P., Sládek, V. (2022). Comparing walking and running in persistence hunting. Journal of Human Evolution, 172, 103247.
- Struška, M., Hora, M., Rocek, T.R., Sládek, V. (2021). Influence of upper limb training and analyzed muscles on estimate of physical activity during cereal grinding using saddle quern and rotary quern. PLOS ONE, 16, e0243669.
- Struška M., Hora M., Wall-Scheffler C., Sládek V., (2024).
The effect of ambient temperature on ultra-marathon performance in males and females
The 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Los Angeles, California, March 20–23, 2024. Poster symposium presentation. - Struška M., Jarešová P. A., Hora M., Michálek T., Wall-Scheffler C., Sládek V., (2023).
Impact of lower limb length on human core temperature during endurance running
The 13th Annual Meeting of the European Socienty for the Study of Human Evolution Aarhus, Denmark, September 21–22, 2023. Podium presentation (Pecha Kucha) - Struška M., Hora M., Sládek V. Comparison of eight- and four-muscle model for assessment of upper limb muscle activity during cereal grinding. The 84th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, March 27–30, 2019. Poster presentation.
- 0000-0002-0323-3833
- ResearcherID:
- X-4790-2018
- Scopus Author ID:
- 57221482194