Undergraduate course in structural geology. During the course students acquire basic skills in describing and interpreting geological structures of all scales. Students will also get to contact with the interplay between kinematical and dynamical approach in structural geology and learn to use basic mathematics and physics as a tool in structural geology.
Advanced course in structural geology designated to graduate students in structural geology and other related fields. Basic knowledge of Python-Numpy is assumed.
Heat transfer is a key factor influencing the geological processes at different scales. Heat flow and heat distribution in the lithosphere plays a key role in understanding the geological history and structure, as detailed knowledge of the distribution of heat in the shallow crust levels provides information about the thermal history of sedimentary basins or contact aureole of magmatic bodies. Students will acquire basic information about the physical principles of heat transfer, familiar with the practical applications for different geological situations and learn the computer programming basics appropriate for numerical modeling of thermal evolution in Python language.
The course is taught in English when at least one international student is enrolled. Advanced course in geotectonics and litosphere scale deformation processes designed for graduate students in structural geology, petrology and geology. Main subjects of the course are evolution of oceanic and continental crust, heat flow within the lithosphere, mechanical properties of the lithosphere, metamorphism of orogenic and subduction domains, and rifted realms and orogenic belts.
Course is giving basic principles of GIS systems and their applications. Practical part give experience in doing GIS analysis using QGIS and provide a basic introduction to remote sensing principles from a GIS viewpoint.
Field course focused on field demonstration of basic structures and their description on outcrops. Some common field methods of structural analysis will be trained.
The course aims to reach field oriented students at all levels of their studies with the main focus to MSc programme. The course runs as field excursion aiming at synthesis of direct field observations in petrology and structural geology. The course takes place in various orogenic domains e.g. Vosges, Eastern and Western Alps, Erzgebirge or West Carpathians.
The field course will introduce a practical application of field methods in petrology and structural geology. Emphasis is given to an identification of relationship between deformation and metamorphism/magmatism in different tectonic environments. The aim of this course is to foster practical skills acquired during courses in metamorphic and magmatic petrology, structural geology and geotectonics.