Mgr. Anna Tichá, Ph.D.

Mgr. Anna Tichá, Ph.D.

Institute of Geology and Paleontology

Albertov 6, 1NP, room P08A

Albertov 6, 1NP, room P08A

Professional Experience

Assistant Professor (Charles University) 2023–date



Ph.D. (Charles University) 2022
Mgr. (=MSc.) (Charles University) 2016
Bc. (PřF UK) 2014


Research Interests

  • Multi-proxy paleolimnological reconstructions – complex history of lakes and landscape in the context of climatic changes based on diverse proxies (remains of organisms, geochemistry of sediments, sedimentology, …)
  • Quantitative reconstructions of past conditions (pH, phosphorus level,…) in lakes based on diatom analysis (Bacillariophyceae)

Professional expertise

  • Diatom analysis – lab treatment of sedimentary samples, diatom taxonomy, quantitative microscopy
  • Quantitative palaeoecology – statistical analysis in Past and R softwares, modelling of past environmental conditions


Micropalaeontological collection

The micropalaeontological collections include material collected by generations of researchers and, first of all, holotypes of ostracodes (Ostracoda) and foraminifera (Foraminifera). Please, check out the catalogue in the case of interest.


Holcová, K., Scheiner, F., Havelcová, M., Kraft, P., Ackerman, L., Tichá, A., Česáková, K., Milovský, R. (2024): Quaternary floodings in the Zanzibar Channel (NW Indian Ocean, Tanzania) – Identifying palaeoceanographic patterns and palaeoenvironment using a multiproxy study. Marine Geology, 476: 107366.

Tichá, A., Vondrák, D., Moravcová, A., Chiverrell, R., Kuneš, P. (2023): Climate-related soil saturation and peatland development may have conditioned surface water brownification at a central European lake for millenia. Science of the Total Environment, 858: 159982.

Moravcová, A., Tichá, A., Carter, V. A., Vondrák, D., Čtvrtlíková, M., Van Leeuwen, J. F. N., Heurich, M., Tinner, W. & Kuneš, P. (2021): Mountain aquatic Isoëtes populations reflect millennial-scale environmental changes in the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem, Central Europe. The Holocene, 31(5): 746–759.

Tichá, A., Bešta, T., Vondrák, D., Houfková, P. & Jankovská, V. (2019): Nutrient availability affected shallow-lake ecosystem response along the Late-Glacial/Holocene transition. Hydrobiologia, 846: 87–108.

Tichá, A., Buczkó, K. & Houk, V. (2017): Notes to the use of Aulacoseira taxa in the palaeoecological reconstruction of the Bohemian Forest lakes. Studia botanica hungarica 48(2): 173–188.


  • 2024 Vojtěch Jarošík award (2nd–3rd place) for the best student’s publications granted by the Czech Ecological Society
  • 2023 Purkyně award (Purkyňova cena) for the best popularizing article in the journal Živa in 2022
  • 2010 1st place at national round of SOČ in category Geology and Geography (a competition of Czech secondary school student’s works), Thesis: Paleoecology of Early Badenien marine sediments from locality Židlochovice based on foraminifera
  • 2009 1st place at national round of SOČ in category Geology and Geography, Thesis: Foraminifera from island Rab

Personal identificators


Scopus ID: 57210958209