RNDr. Daniel Vondrák, Ph.D.

Institute for Environmental Studies
- Office: Limnology Laboratory (Benátská street no. 2 – ”Domeček“), door S/8, tel. number + 420 221951916
- Consultations: by appointment
- Publications: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel_Vondrak
Research Topics
1. Paleolimnology and Quaternary paleoecology
- history of Central European lake ecosystems
- abrupt environmental changes in the Late Glacial and the Holocene
- reconstructions of past climate changes
- analysis of invertebrate fauna remains as a tool in lake sediment research
- volcanic glass (tephra) in lake sediments
2. Hydrobiology
- ecology and diversity of zooplankton in mountain lakes and reservoirs
- biological recovery of acidified lentic waters
- chironomids of cold mountain streams
- colonization of small lentic water bodies by invertebrate fauna
- 0000000262422976
- ResearcherID:
- B53802017
- Scopus Author ID:
- 56966591400