doc. RNDr. Viktor Květoň, Ph.D.

Member of Economic Geography Lab
Professional Profile
Specializing in evolutionary economic geography – measurement and evaluation of the development/barriers of regional innovation systems, mechanisms and factors of regional development, regional disparities and the evolution of regional competitiveness, assessment of the impact of EU regional policy in Czechia, regional impacts of sectoral policies, mergers and acquisitions of firms, development trajectories of industries in regions, and related variety in regional development.
International research and analytical collaboration with the Joint Research Center – European Commission, the World Bank, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Member of the national advisory body (so-called EPO – Expert Advisory Body) for setting priorities and support from EU funds for the 2028+ period, external advisor at the Ministry of Regional Development for regional policy formulation, targeting, and evaluation. Professional cooperation with the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.
Lecturer in undergraduate and graduate study programs and disciplines:
- Local and Regional Development (Course coordinator, jointly with Prof. RNDr. Jiří Blažek, Ph.D.)
- Theory of Regional Development (Jointly with Prof. RNDr. Jiří Blažek, Ph.D.)
- Project Planning and Evaluation (Jointly with Prof. RNDr. Josef Novotný, Ph.D.)
- Socioeconomic Geography (Jointly with Prof. RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.)
- Seminar with Experts from Practice SG and PG I (Course coordinator)
- Seminar with Experts from Practice SG and PG II (Course coordinator)
- Specialized Seminar on Socioeconomic Geography (Course coordinator)
Selected projects
2024 - 2027: Supply Chain Resilience Center (SCRC), researcher
2022 – 2025: HORIZON Europe: Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-trends (ESSPIN), coordinator of Faculty of Science (partner in consorcium), main researcher
2021 - 2023: GAČR The role of extra-regional knowledge and capital flows on regional industrial path development in different types of regions, principal investigator
2017 - 2019: GAČR The specifics of evolutionary trajectories of Central European regions: comprehending the key drivers and processes on the case of Czechia, principal investigator
International research and analytical collaboration with the Joint Research Center – European Commission, the World Bank, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Selected publications
BLAŽEK, J., KVĚTOŇ, V. (2025): The role of regional governance mmodes and system-level agency in evolutionary paths of regional industries. Regional Studies, (online first), DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2024.2435524
KVĚTOŇ, V., SHKOLNYKOVA, M. (2025): Technological Novelty, Knowledge Bases, and Regional Differentiation: towards a Regional Typology of Radical, Breakthrough, and Discontinuous Innovations. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 66, Issue 1, 63-96. 10.1080/15387216.2023.2197926
BĚLOHRADSKÝ, A., KVĚTOŇ, V. (2024): Acquisitions, spatial heterogeneity and economic impacts in Central European non-metro-politan regions. European Planning Studies, Volume 32, Issue 7, 1632 - 1652, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2024.2340722
KVĚTOŇ, V., NOSEK, Š. (2024): Reinforcing territorial impact assessments in Czechia: policy agendas and future scenarios, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, (online first)DOI: 10.1080/14615517.2024.2330791
KVĚTOŇ, V., HORÁK, P. (2024): Firms’ supply chain integration, R&D collaboration and impact on competitiveness: Evidence from Czechia. Journal ofthe Knowledge Economy, Volume15, 5817 - 5840.
BLAŽEK, J., KADLEC, V., KVĚTOŇ, V. (2024): The role of assets and variegated constellations of organizational- and system-level agency in regional transformation. European Planning Studies, Volume24, Issue11, 2381 - 2402.
KADLEC, V., KVĚTOŇ, V., VLČKOVÁ, J., BLAŽEK, J., HORÁK, P. (2023): Contrasting patterns and dynamics of patent offshoring in European regions. Journal of Technology Transfer. Volume 48, Issue 4
BLAŽEK, J., KVĚTOŇ, V. (2023): Towards an integrated framework of agency in regional development: the case of old industrial regions, Regional Studies, Volume 57, Issue 8 DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2022.2054976
KOSTIČ, M., KVĚTOŇ, V. (2022): Does Innovation Support and Maturity Matter for Firms' Performance in a Moderately Developed Regional Innovation System in Central Europe? Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. Volume 34, Issue 4, 622-649.
KVĚTON, V., NOVOTNÝ, J., BLAŽEK, J., MAREK, D. (2022): The role of geographic and cognitive proximity in knowledge networks: the case of joint R&D projects. Papers in Regional Science (online first), DOI:10.1111/pirs.12656
DZÚROVÁ, D., KVĚTOŇ, V. (2021): How health capabilities and government restrictions affect the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross-country differences in Europe. Applied Geography, Volume 135, October 2021, 102551. DOI:
KVĚTOŇ, V., BĚLOHRADSKÝ, A., BLAŽEK, J. (2020): The variegated role of proximities in acquisitions by domestic and international companies in different phases of economic cycles. Papers in Regional Science. 99, 583–602, DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12506
BLAŽEK, J., KVĚTOŇ, V., BAUMGARTINGER-SEIRINGER, S., TRIPPL, M. (2020): The dark side of regional industrial path development: towards a typology of trajectories of decline, European Planning Studies, 28:8, 1455-1473, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2019.1685466
KVĚTOŇ, V., ŠAFR, K. (2019): Regional embeddedness, relatedness and inter-regional linkages among less developed regions in Central Europe, European Planning Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2019.1576591
KVĚTOŇ, V., HORÁK, P. (2018): The effect of public R&D subsidies on firms' competitiveness: Regional and sectoral specifics in emerging innovation systems. Applied Geography ,94, 119–129. DOI:
KVĚTOŇ, V., BLAŽEK, J. (2018): Path-development trajectories and barriers perceived by stakeholders in two Central European less developed regions: narrow or broad choice?. European Planning Studies, Volume 26, Issue 10, 2058-2077.
VALLANCE, P., BLAŽEK, J., EDWARDS, J., KVĚTOŇ, V. (2018): Smart specialisation in regions with less-developed research and innovation systems: a changing role for universities? Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. Vol. 36(2) 219–238: DOI:
KVĚTOŇ, V., KADLEC, V. (2018): Evolution of knowledge bases in European regions: searching for spatial regularities and links with innovation performance, European Planning Studies, Volume 26, Issue 7, 1366-1388. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1464128
NOVOTNÝ, J., BLAŽEK, J., KVĚTOŇ, V. (2016): The anatomy of difference: comprehending the evolutionary dynamics of economic and spatial structure in the Austrian and Czech economies. European Planning Studies, 24, 4, 788-808 (DOI:
All publications are available at Google Scholar
Supervision of Bachelor's and Master's Theses
Defended bachelor's and master's theses available in the digital repository of Charles University.
Other Activities
Member of the presidium and the main committee of the Czech Geographical Society.
- 0000000283390811
- ResearcherID:
- M-4523-2017
- ResearcherID:
- M45232017
- Scopus Author ID:
- 35790071600