Continental Tectonics Group
I am a geologist with the main interests in physical geology and tectonics, integrating field-oriented research with a wide range of analytical and quantitative methods. In teaching, my goal has always been to promote geology as a modern, process-oriented science that offers an exciting insight into the large-scale movements of lithospheric plates and evolution of the Earth system. I enjoy expeditions to remote wilderness and drinking beer after a hard day in the field.
1976 Born in Plzeň (Pilsen), the Capital of Beer
1997 Bc. in Geological Sciences, Charles University
1998/1999 Undergraduate fellowship, Royal School of Mines, Imperial College, London, UK
2000 Graduated from Charles University in Petrology and Structural Geology
Since 2002 Appointed at the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Charles University
2004 Ph.D. in Geological Sciences, Charles University
2004/2011 Research Geologist (part time), Czech Geological Survey
2010 Associate Professor of Geology, Charles University
2010/2018 Leader of the Laboratory of Rock Magnetism, Charles University
Since 2014 Leader of the Continental Tectonics Group, Charles University
Since 2015 Full Professor of Geology, Charles University
2016/2020 Chair of the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Charles University
2020/2024 Vice Dean for Geology, Charles University
2006 Faculty of Science Dean Award for research and teaching excellence
2010 Radek Melka Prize for the best paper, Central European Tectonic Studies Group
2010 Giant Salamander Outstanding Teacher Award
2021, 2023 Radim Kettner Award for the best paper
(1) Physical geology, plate tectonics, Precambrian Earth
(2) Tectonics of active continental margins and collisional orogens
(3) Detrital zircon geochronology and terrane provenance
(4) Magmatic processes, volcano-plutonic link, interactions between magmatism and tectonic deformation
(5) Rock magnetism and its tectonic applications
Since 1998 Various research projects in the Bohemian Massif, Alps, Carpathians, Balkan Peninsula, Patagonia, Antarctica, North American Cordillera (California, Oregon), and Canada (Québec, Manitoba)
GoogleScholar | ORCID | ResearcherID | ScopusID | ResearchGate
2025/2027 Archean supercontinents: myth or reality? (co-Principal Investigator, Czech Science Foundation, No. 25-16420S)
2023/2025 Detrital zircon geochronology as a tool for interpreting terrane provenance (Principal Investigator, Czech Science Foundation, No. 23-06708S)
2020/2023 Cherts and carbonates as geochemical proxies of paleoenvironmental conditions and Ocean Plate Stratigraphy (co-Principal Investigator, Czech Science Foundation, No. 20-13644S)
2019/2021 Late Archean granites: markers of modern-style plate tectonics? (Principal Investigator, Czech Science Foundation, No. 19-08066S)
2017/2019 Black shale formations as geochemical markers of paleoenvironmental changes and tectonic setting along active continental margins (co-Principal Investigator, Czech Science Foundation, No. 17-15700S)
2016/2018 Sedimentary record and mechanics of collapse of orogenic belts (Principal Investigator, Czech Science Foundation, No. 16-11500S)
2012/2014 Calderas as indicators of thermal-mechanical evolution of subvolcanic magma chambers (Principal Investigator, Czech Science Foundation, No. P210/12/1385)
2011/2013 The origin of compositional and textural zoning in shallow-level granitoid plutons: a quantitative approach (Principal Investigator, Czech Science Foundation, No. P210/11/1168)
2007/2009 Relationship between faults and plutons: implications for interactions between tectonic and magmatic processes in magmatic arcs and orogenic belts (Postdoctoral Project, Czech Science Foundation, No. 205/07/P226)
2004/2006 Processes along internal boundaries in magma chambers and their significance for interpreting rheology, fabric formation and emplacement mechanisms (Junior Project, Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences, No. KJB3111403)
Tatiana Tkáčiková (in progress) Exploring the link between tectonic deformation and provenance signal at active plate margins
Reza Syahputra (2023) Mechanisms and time scales of formation of ribbon continents
Filip Tomek (2015) Magnetic fabric, magma flow and tectonic deformation in volcano-plutonic systems
Jaroslava Hajná (2012) Tectonic evolution of the central part of the Teplá-Barrandian unit
MG421P00 Physical Geology I | MG421P47 Introduction to Physical Geology | MG420P05 Dynamic Earth: outstanding issues of modern geology | MG421T04 Geologic field trips | MG421T02G Field course in Physical Geology