Tuesday 12.11.2024
On Friday, 15 November 2024, our guest will give a seminar talk.
Hiroyuki Kyokawa (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan; Polytechnic University of Catalunya in Barcellona, Spain)
Continuum modelling of expansive soil considering HMC coupled phenomena on the surface of the mineral crystal and its application
You are cordially invited. The seminar takes place at 9:30 a.m. in Emeritarium (117F, Albertov 6, Prague 2).
Dr. Hiroyuki Kyokawa is an expert in the multiphysical coupling of geomaterials and their constitutive modelling and is currently a visiting researcher at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya in Barcellona, Spain. He will deliver a lecture on the development of a double-structure constitutive model for bentonite, which considers chemo-hydro-mechanically coupled phenomena on the surface of mineral crystals.