Dean’s measure No. 08/2024
Academic calendar 2024/2025

Art. 1
Main dates


The beginning of the academic year

1.10.2024 [1]

The end of the academic year

30. 9. 2025



Winter semester

Summer semester


1. 10. 2024 – 12. 1. 2025

17. 2. 2025 – 25. 5. 2025

Scheduled classes

30. 9. 2024 – 12. 1. 2025

17. 2. 2025 – 18. 5. 2025

Course credit week

6. 1. 2025 – 12. 1. 2025

12. 5. 2025 – 18. 5. 2025

Courses out of the faculty

19. 5. 2025 – 25. 5. 2025

Exam period

13. 1. 2025 – 16. 2. 2025

26. 5. 2025 – 30. 6. 2025

1. 9. 2025 – 22. 9. 2025

Christmas holidays

23. 12. 2024 – 3. 1. 2025

Summer holidays

1. 7. 2025 – 31. 8. 2025

Dean’s Day of Sport (classes are cancelled)

29. 4. 2025

Rector’s Day of Sport (classes are cancelled)

13. 5. 2025


Art. 2
Registration in the first year of study


Dates of registration in the bachelor study

Aplikovaná geografie, Geografie a kartografie, Demografie, Hydrologie a hydrogeologie
(Only registration at the faculty)


Biologie, Ekologická a evoluční biologie, Molekulární biologie a biochemie organismů, Bioinformatika
(Three-day training camp at the faculty campus)

28.8. – 30.8.2024

Biochemie, Chemie, Chemie a fyzika materiálů, Klinická a toxikologická analýza, Medicinální chemie
(Three-day training camp outside the faculty campus)

26.8. – 28.8.2024

Education-focused programmes, Ochrana životního prostředí
(Three-day training camp outside the faculty campus)

28.8. - 30.8.2024

Aplikovaná geografie se specializacemi, Demografie se specializacemi Geografie a kartografie, Hydrologie a hydrogeologie, Geologie, Geologie se specializací Geoarcheologie, Geotechnologie, Hospodaření s přírodními zdroji, Praktická geobiologie, Vědy o Zemi
(Three-day training camp outside the faculty campus)

30.8. – 1.9.2024

Science (two-day training camp at the faculty campus)

16.9. – 17.9.2024

Alternative date of registration in the bachelor study
(Except Science; only registration at the faculty)


Dates of enrolment in the master study

For applicants who graduated from Faculty of Science bef. 30. 6. 2024


For applicants who graduated from the other faculties


For applicants who graduated from Faculty of Science between 1. 7. 2024 and 19. 9.  2024


For applicants of English study programmes


Dates of enrolment in the doctoral study

For foreign applicants (excluding Slovakia), who will start their studies:
      from 1. 10. 2024
      from 1. 4. 2025


For applicants from Czech Republic and Slovakia, who will start their studies:
      from 1. 10. 2024
      from 1. 4. 2025



Art. 3
Registration and recognition of courses




Electronic registration of courses

fr 2. 9. 2024 17:00 hrs.

fr 16. 12. 2024 17:00 hrs.

Priority registration of compulsory courses

by 4. 9. 2024 17:00 hrs.

by 18. 12. 2024 17:00 hrs.

End of registration for courses

8. 9. 2024 24:00 hrs.

12. 1. 2025 24:00 hrs.

for student starting the first year of their bachelor studies

12. 9. 2024 24:00 hrs.

for student starting the first year of their master studies

16. 9. 2024 24:00 hrs.

Additional changes to course registrations

fr 23. 9. 2024 14:00 hrs.

fr 10. 2. 2025 14:00 hrs.

Control of preliminary course registrations and refusal of overlapping courses (done by the Student Affairs Division)

2. 10. 2024

19. 2. 2025

Conclusion of registration for courses

6. 10. 2024
24:00 hrs.

23. 2. 2025 24:00 hrs.

Refusal of overlapping courses and final registration of courses (done by the Student Affairs Division)

7. 10. 2024

24. 2. 2025

Submitting of the application for collective recognition of courses from previous studies according to Art. 16, Sec. 5 and 6 of the Rules of Study at the Faculty of Science

by 31. 10. 2024

Submitting of the application for recognition of courses according to Art. 9 of the Rules of Study at the Faculty of Science (excl. Erasmus)

by 31. 10. 2024

by 16. 3. 2025


Art. 4
Study control and registration for the next stage of the study in bachelor and master programmes


Students of the first year of bachelor study who were enrolled to the study programme in academic year 2024/2025

Registration to the second stage of study (summer semester)

1. 2. – 17. 2. 2025

Last date of exams in the first stage of study

14. 2. 2025

Registration of the results of the exams into the SIS in the first stage of study

by 16. 2. 2025

Control of the conditions for the progress to the second stage of study

17. 2. 2025

Alternative registration to the second stage of study

by 10. 3. 2025

All students

Registration to the next year of study for students of bachelor‘s
and master‘s programmes

1. 6. – 23. 9. 2025

The last date of exams

22. 9. 2025

Registration of the results of the exams in the SIS

by 22. 9. 2025

Control of the conditions for the progress to the next stage of study

23. 9. 2025

Alternative registration to the next stage of study

by 13. 10. 2025


Announcement of exam dates through SIS – winter semester

by 12. 1. 2025

Announcement of exam dates through SIS – summer semester

by 25. 5. 2025


Art. 5
State final exams


Registration for a topic of a bachelor/master thesis in SIS

Announcement of the thesis topics (further topics can be announced after this deadline)

by 30. 9. 2024

Registration for a thesis topic, unless the programme guarantor specifies an earlier deadline in the SIS (for a thesis-related course)

by 14. 1. 2025

Acceptation by the thesis supervisor

by 21. 1. 2025

Approval by the study programme guarantor

by 31. 1. 2025


Terms of the state final exams

Bachelor’s programmes

13. 1. – 14. 2. 2025

26. 5. – 27. 6. 2025

1. 9. – 18. 9. 2025

Master’s programmes

13. 1. – 14. 2. 2025

26. 5. – 13. 6. 2025

1. 9. – 18. 9. 2025

The guarantor sets a 14-day period for holding of the state final exams

by 1. 10. 2024

by 14. 2. 2025

by 16. 5. 2025

Student Affairs Division publishes a 14-day period for holding of the state final exams

by 12. 10. 2024

by 25. 2. 2025

by 31. 5. 2025

State final exam may not take place before the 4th day after the date of the control of the fulfilment of the conditions for the State final exam

The deadline for registering for individual parts of the state final exams (including thesis
defense) and submitting the bachelor's thesis in SIS (performed by the student):

Registration and submitting of theses

fr 1. 11. 2024

fr 1. 3. 2025

fr 1. 6. 2025

Study programmes of the biology section

by 12. 12. 2024

12:00 hrs.


by 30. 4. 2025

12:00 hrs.

by 8. 8. 2025

12:00 hrs.

Study programmes of the geography / geology sections and IES

by 31. 7. 2025

12:00 hrs.

Study programmes of the chemistry section

by 17. 5. 2025

12:00 hrs.

by 23. 8. 2025

12:00 hrs.

Chairman of the state final exams commission sets out specific dates in which individual students will fulfil the relevant part of the state final exam (no later than seven days before)

Chairman of the state final exams commission Hands over the protocols to the Student Affairs Division no later than three working days after the state final exam (in the autumn term no  later than 22. 9. 2025)


The dates of the final exams of supplementary pedagogical studies within the life-long education programmes

Pedagogika a psychologie

3. 3. – 14. 3. 2025

8. 9. – 19. 9. 2025

Didaktika, obhajoba

13. 1. – 14. 2. 2025

26. 5. – 27. 6. 2025

1. 9. – 18. 9. 2025

The guarantor sets a 14-day period for holding of the final exams

by 1. 10. 2024

by 14. 2. 2025

by 16. 5. 2025

Student Affairs Division publishes a 14-day period for holding of the final exams

by 12. 10. 2024

by 25. 2. 2025

by 31. 5. 2025

Deadline of submitting of thesis

Same as the term for master study of teacher programmes of the relevant section

Same as the term for master study of teacher programmes of the relevant section

Same as the term for master study of teacher  programmes of the relevant section

Registration and logging out of the final exams to Pedagogika a psychologie programme (performed by the participant)

6. 1. – 23. 2. 2025

1. 6. – 31. 7. 2025

Registration and logging out of the final exams to Didaktika a obhajoba programme (performed by the participant)

1. 11. 2024 – 31. 12. 2024

1. 3. – 30. 4. 2025

1. 6. – 31. 7. 2025


Art. 6
Doctoral studies


Generating individual study plans


Autumn term

Spring term

Registration of the dissertation’s topic by supervisor, definition of the individual study plan by student and its approval by the supervisor

by 15. 10. 2024

by 20. 4. 2025

Approval of the individual study plan by the subject-area board and the guarantor of the doctoral studies programme

by 30. 11. 2024

by 31. 5. 2025


Evaluation of the individual study plans


Extraordinary (can be prescribed only once during the academic year


Initiation of evaluation

1. 2. 2025

1. 4. 2025

1. 8. 2025

Student submits the evaluation to the supervisor

10. 2. 2025

10. 4. 2025

18. 9. 2025

Supervisor submits the evaluation to the subject-area board

17. 2. 2025

17. 4. 2025

30. 9. 2025

Approval by the subject-area board and guarantee

28. 2. 2025

30. 4. 2025

22. 10. 2025


The state doctoral examinations and dissertation defenses

The state doctoral examination and dissertation defense must be realized no later than 3 months since the doctoral examination / defense registration (or since fulfilling the requirements by the ISP student).
The chair of the board of examiners will hand over the protocols to the Student Affairs Division in no later than three working days after the state doctoral examination/dissertation takes place.


Art. 7
Graduation ceremony and matriculation ceremony

Matriculation ceremony in Aula Magna, Carolinum

15. 10. 2024

Bachelor graduation ceremony in refectory, House for the Proffesed

26. 11. – 28. 11. 2024

22. 4. 2025

Master graduation ceremony in Aula Magna, Carolinum

8. 11. – 11. 11. 2024

22. 4. 2025

18. 7. 2025

Doctoral graduation ceremony in Aula Magna, Carolinum

25. 11. – 28. 11. 2024

26. 5. 2025

Rigorosum graduation ceremony in Aula Magna, Carolinum

10. 12. 2024
20. 5. 2025


Art. 8
Concluding remarks

  1. This measure comes into force from the date of publication. It is valid until 30. 11. 2025.
  2. As a person responsible for the realisation of this measure and its control I hereby appoint the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and the Head of the Student Affairs Division.


In Prague on May 7, 2024     

  prof. RNDr. Jiří Zima, CSc.
Dean of the Faculty


[1] Dates written in bold are stated by the Rectors Measure No. 12/2024.


Measure in PDF format