Dean’s Measure No. 19/2024On Evaluation of Technical and Economic Staff SECTION I.Subject matter of the Measure This Measure is issued to fulfil the Rector's measure No. 53/2023 Framework Principles of Career Development of Members of the Technical and Economic Staff at Charles University (hereinafter the "TES") at Charles University. This measure establishes the procedural rules for the career development of TES and periodic evaluation of TES of the Faculty of Science (hereinafter the "faculty"). SECTION II.Career development of TES Career development of TES on the faculty is governed by the Framework Principles of Career Development of Members of TES at Charles University, which form the annex to the Rector's measure No. 53/2023. Career development plan of TES will always be discussed during the TES evaluation. SECTION III.Evaluation of TES Article 1Groups of evaluated staff Each TES with a minimum working time of 0.41, classified in salary class 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 is subject to evaluation. In the case of staff exclusively paid from grants/projects, the relevant section Vice-dean decides on the necessity of evaluation. Each head of the Secretary department, head of the entire-faculty workplace and head of a special-purpose workplace (hereinafter the "executive") are also subject to evaluation. Article 2Purpose of the evaluation Evaluation of TES serves: To assess the fulfillment of TES 's work duties, To motivate TES to achieve the best possible work results, To identify areas where improvement is needed, To obtain feedback on working conditions, the operation of the faculty or workplace, incl. the work of a superior, the possibility of further education, etc., As a basis for awarding annual bonuses. In addition, the evaluation of executives serves to assess their managerial skills. Article 3Evaluation TESs are evaluated regularly every two years, the first evaluation will take place in 2025. The evaluation usually takes place from September 1 to October 31. Obstacles in the work and the amount of employment will be adequately taken into account during the evaluation. Evaluation takes place within the unified university electronic application. Employees are evaluated in following areas: Fulfilling the set work goals for the previous period Expertise by job position Soft skills and personal approach Language skills (if relevant) ICT skills (if relevant) Managerial skills (for executives) Article 4Process of evaluation of TES TES is evaluated by their supervisor (head of workplace). The employee fills out a self-assessment in the application between September 1 and September 15 and sets work goals for the next period. Between September 16 and October 31, the employee will review their self-evaluation and goals during interview with their supervisor, who will then prepare an evaluation report. The supervisor further agrees, or adjusts work goals. The result of the evaluation interview is a written report including work goals for the next period. Should the evaluated person not agree with the written report, they can respond to it in writing by November 10. In such case, their report will be discussed within the committee appointed by the Dean of the faculty. Article 5Process of evaluation of executives The executives are evaluated once per calendar year. The head of the Secretary department, the director of the Botanical garden and the director of the Rybička nursery are evaluated by the Bursar, or the Dean or relevant Vice-dean, who methodically manages the supervisor's workplace. Heads of special-purpose workplaces are evaluated by the section Vice-dean. In the period from September 1 to September 15, the executive fills out a self-evaluation in the application and sets work goals for the next period. Between September 16 and October 31, the evaluated executive will review their self-evaluation and goals during interview with the evaluator, who will then prepare an evaluation report and approve or modify the work goals. The result of the evaluation interview is a written report including work goals for the next period. Conclusions will be drawn from the results of the evaluation, which will lead to the improvement and development of the managerial skills of the executive. Should the evaluated person not agree with the written report, they can respond to it in writing by November 10. In such case, their report will be discussed within the Advisory board of the Dean. SECTION IV.Final Provisions The person responsible for implementing this measure and monitoring compliance to it is the head of the Human Resources Division. This Measure comes into force on the date of its publication and takes effect on January 1, 2025. In Prague, on October 3, 2024 Prof. RNDr. Jiří Zima, CSc.Dean of the Faculty of Scienceof Charles University Measure in PDF format