Dean’s Measure No. 14/2024
On Awarding and Paying Scholarships and Bursaries at the Faculty of Science of Charles University

Article 1
Introductory Provisions

  1. This Measure is published to define the conditions for awarding scholarships and bursaries (the ‘scholarship’), the amount of the scholarship, the procedure for submitting and processing applications and proposals for awarding scholarships, and for awarding and paying scholarships at Charles University, the Faculty of Science (the ‘Faculty’).
  2. The Measure is published to ensure the awarding and paying scholarships is compliant with the following legislation:
    1. Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on Higher Education;
    2. Act No. 130/2002 Sb., on Supporting Research, Experimental Development, and Innovation from Public Funds;
    3. Act No. 586/1992 Sb., on Income Tax;
    4. Act No. 320/2001 Sb., on Financial Control;
    5. Scholarship and Bursary Rules of Charles University, as amended on 22. 4. 2022 (the ‘SBR CU’);
    6. Rules for Awarding Scholarship and Bursaries at the Faculty of Science of Charles University of 1. 4. 2022 (the ‘Rules’).
  3. In compliance with Art. 5 of the Rules, three types of motivational scholarship are awarded at the Faculty, and the conditions for awarding and payment of these are determined by this Measure.
  4. This Measure defines conditions for paying scholarships and bursaries funded from the STARS[1] project,  and the scholarships provided to the Faculty on the basis of agreements or contracts.
  5. This Measure defines the amounts of scholarships where the internal regulations grant this right to the Dean.

Article 2
Motivational Scholarships to Support Excellent Students of the 1st Year of their Bachelor’s Study Programme

  1. The motivational scholarship is awarded to students of the 1st year of their bachelor’s study programme who participated at least three years before their enrolment[2] in the central (nationwide) round of category A of the Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Mathematics Olympiad, category E of the Chemistry Olympiad, category P of the Mathematical Olympiad, category B of the Geological Olympiad, or category D of the Geographical Olympiad, participated in the Summer Professional Training Centre of the Biological Olympiad in Běstvina in category A in years 2022 and 2023, and obtained at least 45 credits in the 1st year of their bachelor’s study programme. The scholarship is not awarded to those students who have furnished proof of participation only in the so-called project part of the national rounds of individual Olympiads.
  2. Students who have already documented their participation in the central round of the Olympiads in the materials for the admission procedure as the basis for their request to waive the entrance exam do not need to apply for the scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded to them if the conditions are met. Students who have not done this will be awarded and paid the scholarship based on their application supported by relevant documents, submitted no later than 31 October of the academic year following the year in which they enrolled in the 1st year of study.
  3. Being awarded the motivational scholarship does not exclude the possibility of also being awarded a scholarship for outstanding results in the 1st year of study. If a student also studies other programmes of studies at the Faculty or upon re-enrolment, the student is awarded this scholarship only once. The Student Affairs Department checks the conditions for awarding the scholarship in July and October.
  4. The scholarship is paid from the scholarship fund in the academic year following the year in which students enrolled for the 1st year of their study.

Article 3
Motivational Scholarship to Support Excellent Students of the 1st Year of their Post-bachelor’s Study Programme

  1. The motivational scholarship is awarded to students of the 1st year of their post-bachelor’s study programme who have graduated from their bachelor’s study programme with distinction (the  socalled ‘red diploma’) and obtained at least 45 credits in the 1st year of the subsequent master's study programme. Students who have completed their bachelor's studies at the Faculty do not need to apply for a scholarship; they will be awarded the scholarship if they meet the conditions. Students who have completed their bachelor's studies other than at the Faculty can submit a scholarship application supported by a copy of the diploma with distinction from another faculty or university. The application must be submitted no later than 31 October of the academic year following the year in which students enrolled for their 1st year of study.
  2. Students who have completed their bachelor’s studies with distinction at the Faculty in an academic year other than the previous one must also apply for the scholarship. The application must be submitted no later than 31 October of the academic year following the year in which students enrolled for their 1st year of study.
  3. Being awarded the motivational scholarship does not exclude the possibility of also being awarded a scholarship for outstanding results in the 1st year of study. If a student also studies other programmes/fields of studies at the Faculty or upon re-enrolment, the student is awarded this scholarship only once. The Student Affairs Department checks the conditions for awarding the scholarship in July and October.
  4. The scholarship is paid from the scholarship fund in the academic year following the year in which students enrolled for the 1st year of their study. 

Article 4
Motivational Scholarship for a Dissertation Defended in a Doctoral Study Programme

  1. The scholarship is awarded to students of doctoral studies for their participation in scholarly and research activities who have defended their dissertation at the Faculty within the standard length of studies, or within this standard length extended by one year.
  2. The Student Affairs Department automatically checks the conditions for awarding the scholarship after each defence of a dissertation.
  3. The scholarship is paid from the scholarship fund only after the student has defended the dissertation.

Article 5
Scholarship within the STARS Programme

  1. The scholarship within the STARS programme is awarded in compliance with the SBR CU, the Rules, and Dean‘s Measure on the STARS programme to support talented doctoral students, as amended[3].
  2. The scholarship consists of two parts. The former part is designed and prepared by the Student Affairs Department and is paid out of the allowance as a regular scholarship. It is signed by the ordering party and manager of the STARS contract. The latter part is proposed by the relevant workplace out of an allowance, subsidy, or another resource; it is signed by the ordering party and manager and submitted to the Student Affairs Department for processing and awarding the scholarship. The latter part can be partially or completely replaced by a salary paid on the basis of a concluded employment contract. This process is not managed by the Student Affairs Department.

Article 6
Application for a Scholarship Submitted by Students

  1. Students may submit an application for the following scholarships:
    1. Motivational scholarship to support excellent students of the 1st year of their bachelor’s study programme;
    2. Motivational scholarship to support excellent students of the 1st year of their postbachelor’s study programme;
    3. Scholarship to support studies abroad under Article 6 of the Rules;
    4. Scholarship for a student in a difficult social situation.
  2. The application is submitted on a general application form to the Dean through the Student Affairs Department and must include the following:
    • Student’s name and surname;
    • Date of birth;
    • Person’s central ID (UKČO);
    • Type of studies;
    • Study programme;
    • Reason for the proposal;
    • Documents substantiating the application are attached.
  3. Students are obliged to sign the application by their own hand. The application is delivered to the Student Affairs Department in person, through the Faculty’s mail room, through a holder of the postal license, or through a data box.
  4. The Student Affairs Department informs the student about the processing of the application via the Study Information System (‘SIS’), the Scholarship module, no more than30 days after filing the application.

Article 7
Proposal for the Award of a Scholarship

  1. Types of scholarships, payment options from contracts for different types of events, and the type of form for a given type of scholarship are listed in Appendix No. 1.
  2. The scholarships under Articles 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the Measure are proposed by the Student Affairs Department based on checking the conditions for awarding the given scholarship.
  3. Proposals for the award of:
    1. Scholarships for outstanding research, developmental, and innovative, artistic or other creative results contributing to the deepening of knowledge;
    2. Scholarships for research, developmental, and innovative activities under a special legal regulation;
    3. Scholarships in cases worthy of special attention;
    4. Scholarships to support studies abroad;
    5. Scholarships within the STARS programme;
  4. By signing the proposal for awarding a scholarship, the person ordering the operation is also responsible for ensuring that the payment of the scholarship complies with the rules set by the provider of the funds – if such rules are set – and for the adequate amount of the scholarship proposed. Signatures of the person ordering the operation and of the budget manager are arranged by the relevant workplace; in the case of payment from the scholarship fund, the signatures are arranged by the Student Affairs Department.
  5. If a student completes their studies in the calendar month in which payment of the scholarship is proposed, the applicant, when submitting the proposal for awarding the scholarship, attaches the document Certificate of Fulfilment of the Conditions for Awarding a Scholarship by the Graduate (Appendix No. 3), by which they demonstrate that the activity of the student for which the scholarship is proposed was carried out during the studies. Should students fail to submit the certificate, they will not be awarded the scholarship.
  6. If the regular scholarship proposed under Par.3 of this Article extends into the following academic year, it is necessary to submit a proposal for each academic year separately.
  7. A proposal for awarding a scholarship in the current calendar year can be submitted no later than 3 working days before the end of November, or by 15 November in the case of a scholarship paid by transfer from the scholarship fund. Proposals  submitted in December will be included in the following calendar year for January.

Article 8
Award of a Scholarship

  1. Based on the information available in the SIS, the Student Affairs Department checks the proposals and applications submitted as to their compliance with the conditions for awarding a scholarship under Art. 13, Art. 5 Par. 2, Art. 6 Par. 2 and 3, and Art. 10 Par. 2 of the SBR CU, and with the conditions set out by this Measure. Depending on the results of the search, the Department will within 30 days from receipt of the proposal or application:
    1. ensure that a decision on awarding the scholarship is issued; or
    2. prepare documents giving reasons as to why the proposal is dismissed, and inform the respective person ordering the operation principal and budget manager; or
    3. ensure that a decision on dismissing the scholarship applied for by the student is issued.
  2. The decision to award/not to award a scholarship must include essential elements prescribed in the SBR CU. In the case of regular scholarships, one decision is issued for the entire period for which payment of the scholarship is proposed. If an obstacle to the provision of a scholarship emerges for a student, the Student Affairs Department will terminate the payment of the already awarded scholarship. It shall immediately inform the relevant person ordering the operation and the budget manager about such a procedure electronically.
  3. In the case of students who have completed their studies, the scholarship will be paid only when the applicant supplies the document Certificate of Fulfilment of the Conditions for Awarding a Scholarship by the Graduate (Appendix No. 3).
  4. In the given month, the Student Affairs Department processes proposals for awarding:
    1. Scholarships paid from the scholarship fund in cases where the scholarship fund is to be filled from the contract of the relevant workplace in order to pay the aforesaid scholarship, submitted by the 15th day of the relevant calendar month;
    2. Other scholarships submitted to the Student Affairs Department no later than 3 working days before the end of the relevant calendar month.
  5. In the case of scholarships that are to be paid from the scholarship fund, the Student Affairs Department will immediately forward requests for the transfer of funds to the scholarship fund to the Economic Department. The Economic Department will fill the scholarship fund within three working days of receiving the request.
  6. The Student Affairs Department will not process proposals for awarding scholarships which have been submitted late until the last calendar month.
  7. Students can view proposals for awarding scholarships in the Scholarship module in the SIS no later than 30 days from the receipt of the request/proposal.

Article 9
Payment of a Scholarship

  1. The Student Affairs Department delivers decisions under Art. 9, Par. 1 and 2 of this Measure to students via the SIS at the beginning of the month in which the newly proposed scholarships are to be paid.
  2. Students can view the decision in the Personal Data module in the SIS and waive the right to appeal the decision. Waiving the right to appeal in a timely manner accelerates the legal force and effect of the decision. If the decision acquires legal effect within three calendar days from its delivery, the scholarship will be paid on the pay day of the given month.
  3. If students do not waive the right to appeal within three calendar days from the delivery of the decision, the payment of the scholarship is postponed to the following calendar month.
  4. No later than one working day before the payment of the scholarships, the Student Affairs Department exports the newly awarded valid scholarships to the accounting system, on the basis of which the Economic Department will enter the scholarships into the accounting system and send a bank order for the payment of the scholarships.
  5. Scholarships are paid from Charles University’s account to the accounts of students on a monthly basis, no later than the
    1. 8th day of the following calendar month in the case of bachelor’s and post-bachelor’s study programmes;
    2. 16th day of the following calendar month in the case of doctoral study programmes. 
  6. If the payment day falls on a non-working day4, the scholarships will be paid on the next working day[4]. The payment means making a bank order for the payment.
  7. Scholarships are paid to students cashless to the bank accounts registered in student’s personal data in the SIS. Students enter their bank account numbers in the Personal Data module in the SIS and are responsible for ensuring that the data is correct and up-to-date.
  8. If the bank account number is not listed in the SIS, the scholarship is paid at the Faculty’s cash office. If a bank returns the payment of scholarship because it is impossible to make the payment to the bank account specified in the SIS, the payment will be made in cooperation with the Student Affairs Department, the Economic Department, and the student.
  9. The Economic Department sets up all orders in the accounting system according to the documents supplied by the Student Affairs Department so that it is clear whether and what kind of scholarship can be paid out of them.
  10. The Economic Department is responsible for proper booking of the scholarships paid.
  11. The Economic Department informs the Student Affairs Department about the results of the execution of the payment order for scholarships, and any possible non-execution of the order is dealt with by both departments in cooperation.

Article 10
Amounts of Scholarships for the Academic Year 2024/2025

  1. The motivational scholarship to support excellent students enrolled in the 1st year of their bachelor’s study programme amounts to CZK 30,000 in the academic year 2024/2025.
  2. The motivational scholarship to support excellent students enrolled in the 1st year of their postbachelor’s study programme amounts to CZK 20,000 in the academic year 2024/2025.
  3. Students who have defended their dissertation in a doctoral study programme within the standard length of study are awarded a scholarship of CZK 50,000. Students who have defended their dissertation in a doctoral study programme within the standard length of study increased by one year are awarded a scholarship of CZK 20,000.
  4. Students in full-time doctoral studies are entitled to a scholarship of CZK 10,500 a month for the standard period of study. In compliance with Art. 12 Par. 3 of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules of Charles University, a doctoral scholarship is increased by CZK 3,000 per month from the calendar month following the successful passing of the state doctoral examination.
  5. A scholarship for outstanding study results amounts to CZK 20,000.
  6. Amounts of scholarship within the STARS programme are determined by a separate Dean’s measure[5].
  7. Limits on the individual types of scholarships are determined in the Scholarship and Bursary Rules of Charles University.

Article 11
Final Provisions

  1. Based on a proposal by the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs, the Dean is entitled to decide on any derogation from this Measure. By derogating from this Measure, the SBR CU or any other legislation must not be violated.
  2. I designate the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs, Head of the Student Affairs Department, Head of the Economic Department, and Head of the Development Department to be the persons responsible for the implementation and control of compliance with this Measure.
  3. I hereby order the Head of the Student Affairs Department to ensure publication of the following appendices on the department’s website:
    Appendix No. 1 – Types of actions in relation to the scholarship proposal form;
    Appendix No. 2 – Forms of scholarship award proposals No. 1, 2, 3, 4;
    Appendix No. 3 – Certificate of fulfilment of the conditions for awarding a scholarship by the graduate.
  4. The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science debated this Measure in compliance with Art. 8, Par. 3 of the Rules and expressed its opinion on the amounts of the individual scholarships determined in the Dean’s Measure in compliance with the Rules and with the SBU CU at its meeting held on 20 June 2024.
  5. As of 30 September 2024, this Measure revokes Dean’s Measure No. 7/2023 on awarding and paying scholarships at the Faculty of Science of Charles University. Scholarships awarded under the effectiveness of the original measure will be paid in accordance with its wording.
  6. This Measure comes into force and takes effect on 1 October 2024.

In Prague, on 1 July 2024

  Prof. RNDr. Jiří Zima, CSc.
Dean of the Faculty


[1] - As of the date of publishing this Dean’s Measure, this concerns Dean’s Measure No. 2/2019 on the STARS programme to support talented doctoral students.

[2]Upon enrolment in 2022, this concerns participation in the central (nationwide) round (Olympiad) in 2019 and beyond.

[3] - As of the date of publishing this Dean’s Measure, this concerns Dean’s Measure No. 2/2019

[4] - Non-working days are days on which employees have a continuous rest during the week, and national holidays.

[5] - As of the date of publishing this Measure, this concerns Dean’s Measure No. 2/2019.

Measure in PDF format