Dean’s Measure No. 12/2022
Taking an Exam by Students on the Second Resit Date before the Examination Board

Article 1
Subject-matter of the Measure

This measure complements and clarifies the procedures for taking an oral exam by students in front of the examination board on the second resit dates according to Article 16 (6) of the Rules of Study at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University (hereinafter the “Rules”) and determines the persons authorized to participate in the state examination on the second resit dates (hereinafter the “Assessors”) according to Article 8 (14) and Article 9 (12) of the Code of Study and Examination of the Charles University (hereinafter the “Code”).

Article 2
Taking an Oral Exam by Students in Front of the Examination Board on the Second Resit Date in a Compulsory or Elective Subject (Article 8 (14) of the Code)

  1. Second resit date of the oral exam for a compulsory or elective subject for which a student registered a second time is performed before an examination board consisting of at least three members (Article 16 (6) of the Rules). The chair who announced the exam date and at least one assistant who did not participate in the teaching of the given subject are members of the committee.
  2. The person responsible for the appointment of the examination board is the head of the department or the director of the institute that guarantees the teaching of the subject.
  3. Information on registration of the student to second resit date of the examination for a compulsory or elective subject is received by the examination board at the listed date of the exam via the Study Informational System (hereinafter the “SIS”).
  4. Listing the date of the examination and setting the date for registration or deregistration of students from the examination date in SIS must be done well in advance of the examination date, so that the examiner can negotiate with the head of the relevant department or the director of the institute the constitution of the examination board (Article 16 (6) of the Rules).

Article 3
The Persons Authorized to Participate in the State Examination on the Second Resit Dates (Article 9 (12) of the Code)

  1. The guarantor of the study program in which the student registered for the second resit date of the state examination is enrolled is the person responsible for determining the assessor for the second resit date of the state examination or its part, in accordance with Article 9 (12) of the Code. 
  2. The assessor is selected by the guarantor in agreement with the head of the department where the state examination or part of it takes place from the vice-deans and guarantors of study programs related to the study program according to paragraph 1. The assignment of the assessor to the committee for the second resit date of the student's state examination or its part is carried out in SIS by the person in charge of organizing the state examination. The list of possible assistants is available in the Commission (“Komise”) module in SIS.
  3. The assessor is not a member of the examination board and does not vote on the result of the state examination, but participates in closed meeting of the board.
  4. The assessor is informed about his role in the state examination or part of it through an invitation sent from SIS.

Article 4
Final Provisions

  1. As a persons responsible for the realisation of this measure and its control I hereby appoint guarantors of study programs, heads of departments and directors of institutes and the Head of the Student Affairs Division.
  2. This measure supersedes the Dean’s measure No. 10/2021.
  3. This measure comes into force and effect from the date of its publication.

In Prague, on 16 November 2022

  Prof. RNDr. Jiří Zima, CSc.
Dean of the Faculty


Measure in PDF format