The Development Division, through its departments: the Research Support Department, the Foreign Affairs Department and the Project Management Department, provides the agenda of support for scientific activities, foreign mobility, project and grant consultancy.
Research Support Dept | Foreign Affairs Dept | Project Management Dept
Head of the division:
Mgr. Jan Vyskočil
Phone: +420 221 95 1128
Genetic garden – corner of Albertov and Studničkova streets
Research Support Department
The Research Support Department provides administrative, informational, and organizational support for the teaching and publishing activities of the faculty's scientific and teaching staff.
Research Support Department
Faculty of Science, Charles University
Albertov 6, 128 00 Praha 2
Office hours:
Nicole Bradfordová + Jiří Grulich
Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 11:00 and 12:30 – 15:00
Vladimír Zbranek + Radka Lukášová
Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 – 14:00
Foreign Affairs Department
The Foreign Affairs Department provides administrative support for trips abroad for students and teachers, and international student exchange.
Foreign Affairs Department
Faculty of Science, Charles University
Albertov 6, 128 00 Praha 2
Project Management Department
The Project Management Department provides information, administrative, coordination and organizational support for grant activities of scientific and pedagogical staff and the implementation of faculty projects.
Project Management Department
Faculty of Science, Charles University
Genetic garden ("Genetická zahrada") – corner of Albertov and Studničkova streets
Office hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 11:30 and 13:00 – 15:00