Projects for cross-border cooperation. At least two V4 countries must participate and their neighbouring countries not integrated in the V4 can participate.

NEWS: September Info Week

  • involve mobility of young people (12–30 year-old)
  • Every project must carry out at least one joint event with both/all sides participating.
  • Every project must have at least one joint physical presentation for the public or local community combined with creative forms of mediated outreach (could be combine with previous)
  • Any V4 legal entity relevant in working with youth can partake as the formal applicant or grantee
  • the project proposal must be uploaded to the Fund's application at least 2 weeks before the deadline
  • The maximum possible financial support per project is 10.000 € (co-financing from another source is possible), project duration 6 months
  • Time frame for the project is 6 months

Deadlines:  15 March; 15 July and 15 November.

All available information HERE