
Viničná 7 (1. patro)

Library Hours


Discovery service UKAŽ (catalogue)


How to use Biological Library


Contact us

Phone: +420 221 951 607

E-mail: knihbio@natur.cuni.cz


The Biological Library is the largest unit of the Library of Biological Sciences with approximately 125,000 items representing the majority of biological disciplines. It is located on the 1st floor of Viničná 7 building, directly opposite the main staircase. The Main Area of the library is organized as an open-access room with gallery; part of the library book collection together with the recent issues of scientific journals are on display here. Course materials are shelved behind the main desk. Besides 30 seats in the Main Area, the library visitors can also use the Student Study/Rest Area and the Computer Gallery with an internet access and a laser printer (under the administration of the Centre for Information Technologies). A wireless access for personal notebooks is also available throughout the Library. This area further includes the Staff Work Room.