Research topics

We are a small team based in lab 007 (room 007 on the ground floor and explant lab 105 on the first floor). We are currently actively working on 2 main topics:

1) Research on the role of sugar alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol) in the life strategy of plants that produce them as primary products of photosynthesis (plantain, olive, etc.)

2) The study of somatic embryogenesis in conifers, in particular the relationship between cytokin signaling, carbohydrate balance and redox status of cultures (mainly in the Norway spruce model)


In the context of the informational role of light, we are actively interested in the effects of light pollution on the physiological state of plants.

As part of an ongoing COST project, we are studying the possibilities of micropropagation of the endangered Dupréz cypress.


Methodological approaches:

  • In vitro cultivation, hydroponic cultivation, greenhouse pot experiments.
  • Determination of soluble non-structural carbohydrate content by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) - we have 2 HPLC systems with refractometric detection, and due to our extensive set of standards and experience with these analyses, we also offer carbohydrate measurements to collaborating teams within and outside the department.
  • Determination of starch content (biochemical - HPLC after enzymatic cleavage, histochemical - localisation).
  • Spectrophotometric determination of low molecular weight antioxidants (in cooperation with Dr. M. Kofroňová from our laboratory): glutathione oxidoreduction pair, ascorbate reduction pair, proline; and enzymatic quenching systems: superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase.
  • Biochemical analyses of the activities of key enzymes of sucrose metabolism (sucrose synthase, invertase, phosphoglucomutase) and sorbitol (sorbitol dehydrogenase) and localisation of enzyme activities in the tissue (sucrose synthase, invertase, phosphoglucomutase, ADPGase).

International collaborations, including current projects:

  • INRAE, ONF, BioForA, Orléans, France (Dr. Caroline Teyssier, Dr. Marie-Anne Lelu-Walter) - joint publication 2022 (Eliášová et al. 2022)

  • Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre SAS, Institute of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology, Nitra, Slovakia (Dr. Terezia Salaj; Dr. Jana Krajňáková - now Scion, New Zealand)

  • Department of Horticulture, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA, (Dr. Douglas D. Archbold, Dr. Marta Nosarzewski)

  • COST Action "COPYTREE", Project LUC23150 (9/2023 - 10/2026).

Long-term cooperation with Czech institutes:

Laboratory of Hormone Regulation, Institute of Experimental Botany of the CAS, Prague 6 Lysolaje (Dr. Eliášová, Dr. Vondráková, Dr. Fischerová - several joint publications 1998-2022);

Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Cryobiology, Department of Plant Genetics and Breeding, VÚRV Praha Ruzyně (Dr. Bilavčík, Dr. Zámečník).


Most important recent publications:

Šustr, M.; Konrádová, H.; Martinčová, M.; Soukup, A.; Tylová, E. (2024) Potassium transporter  KUP9 regulates plant response to K+ deficiency and affects carbohydrate allocation in A.  thaliana. JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 292,, 10.1016/j.jplph.2023.154147

Pleyerova, I.; Hamet, J.; Konradova, H.; Lipavska, H. (2022) Versatile roles of sorbitol in higher  plants: luxury resource, effective defender or something else? PLANTA, 256(1): 13.  10.1007/s00425-022-03925-z

Eliasova, K.; Konradova, H.; Dobrev, P.I.; Motyka, V.; Lomenech, A.-M.; Fischerova, L.; Lelu Walter, M.-A.; Vondrakova, Z.; Teyssier, C. (2022) Desiccation as a Post-maturation Treatment  Helps Complete Maturation of Norway Spruce Somatic Embryos: Carbohydrates,  Phytohormones and Proteomic Status. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 13: 823617.  10.3389/fpls.2022.823617

Cvrckova, F.; Konradova, H. (2022) Associative learning in plants: light quality history may matter.  BIOCELL, 46(3) : 645-649. 10.32604/biocell.2022.018114

Labusova, J.; Konradova, H.; Lipavska, H. (2020) The endangered Saharan cypress (Cupressus  dupreziana): do not let it get into Charon's boat. PLANTA, 251(3): 63. 10.1007/s00425-020- 03358-6

Hudec, L.; Konradova, H.; Haskova, A.; Lipavska, H. (2016) Norway spruce embryogenesis: changes  in carbohydrate profile, structural development and response to polyethylene glycol. TREE  PHYSIOLOGY, 36(5):548-561. 10.1093/treephys/tpw016

Kubes, M.; Drazna, N.; Konradova, H.; Lipavska, H. (2014) Robust carbohydrate dynamics based on  sucrose resynthesis in developing Norway spruce somatic embryos at variable sugar supply. IN  VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-PLANT, 50(1): 45-57.  10.1007/s11627-013-9589-6