Tuesday 26.11.2024 Love signals: Role of RNA binding proteins in reproductive cell-cell communication Said Hafidh (Institute of Experimental Botany, CAS, Laboratory of Pollen Biology) Join us online: meet.google.com/qhf-etyu-sna In multicellular organisms, cell crosstalk is pivotal in the context of complex tissues to allocate individual cell roles. This specialization establishes a coordinated “whole” organismal functionality such as move/divide/die/pickup a coffee and so forth. Cells communicate by migrating or through chemical signalling such as using secreted peptides, hormones, metabolites or even modified sugars such as AMOR.In this talk I will give an overview of our laboratory interest in uncovering molecular players involved in pollen tube-pistil signalling and fertilization success with a focus on multifaceted roles of RNA binding proteins. I will finish the talk with potential application on SUSHI!