Tuesday 22.4.2025 15:00 - 16:30

What Can We Learn from Dioecious Plants?

RNDr. Roman Hobza, Ph.D. (Institute of Biophysics, CAS - Department of Plant Developmental Genetics)

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Dioecious plants, which have distinct male and female individuals, 
provide valuable insights into various biological processes, including 
sex determination, evolutionary genetics, and ecological interactions. 
Studying these species helps us understand the genetic mechanisms that 
drive sex chromosome evolution, reproductive strategies, and 
adaptation to environmental pressures. Dioecy also influences plant 
population dynamics, pollination biology, and genetic diversity, with 
implications for conservation and agriculture. By comparing dioecious 
and hermaphroditic plants, researchers can uncover the advantages and 
trade-offs associated with separate sexes. This research has practical 
applications in crop breeding and understanding plant responses to 
climate change.

Recent paper in Science with contribution of the speaker HERE.