Tuesday 21.1.2025 09:00 - Friday 24.1.2025 16:00 R is nowadays probably the most powerful tool for calculations of all kinds. There are plenty of modules available for work with molecular data. Their representative selection will be introduced during the course. The course contains theory of used methods, tutorials with test data, tasks for individual work of participants, and more. The aim is to teach students how to analyze molecular data in R programming language, introduce available packages for their analysis and practical trying out to work with own or provided data. Previous knowledge of R is useful, but not necessary. At least basic knowledge of molecular biology is required, previous knowledge about any methods how to analyse DNA data is recommended. The course is aiming primarily to Master and Ph.D. students, for Bachelor students only if they are highly advanced. Information are continuously updated in SIS. Schedules are also in SIS. The course will be taught in lecture hall OŽP B12 (1st mezzanine, Benátská 2, Prague 2) from January 21 to 24, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 4-5:00 PM (with enough breaks). I'd be glad if participants could fill a short questioner which will help me with preparation of the course and communication with participants. The course will be combination of shorter talks followed by independent work of students, and room for questions and consultations, etc. Details will be updated according to the situation prior the course.