Documents to prove compliance with the requirement of obtainment of secondary education
a) a document proving general recognition of the equivalence or validity of a foreign document (so-called “nostrification”).
Only if you have obtained “Osvědčení o uznání rovnocennosti zahraničního vysvědčení“ or “Rozhodnutí o uznání rovnocennosti zahraničního vysvědčení“ or you plan to obtain one in the near future.
The applicant must submit:
Printed, filled and signed Accompanying letter.
An authenticated copy of a document obtained in accordance with Act No. 561/2004 Sb., to regulate pre-school, basic, secondary, tertiary professional and other education (the Education Act), as amended, or in accordance with prior legal regulations, proving that a foreign document concerning the obtainment of secondary education is generally recognised as equivalent or valid in the Czech Republic.
It is issued by Regional Authorities (“krajský úřad”), the Metropolitan Authority of the Capital City of Prague (“Magistrát hlavního města Prahy”), or by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
For more information is available on the website of the Capital City of Prague.
Free of charge (a fee of CZK 1,000 is paid to the Regional Authority or the Metropolitan Authority within the framework of the procedure on recognition of the equivalence or validity of a foreign secondary education)
b) a document proving the awarding of a European Baccalaureate
The applicant must submit:
Printed, filled and signed Accompanying letter.
An authenticated copyof the European Baccalaureate diploma
This applies only to the European Baccalaureate.
Free of charge.
This does not apply to the International Baccalaureate (IB Diploma), which is considered a document under section 48 (4) (d) of the Higher Education Act, and in this case the procedure described under letter (d) is applicable. If the applicant submits, in addition to the IB Diploma, a “maturita” certificate of the “maturita” examination in Czech language and literature passed in the common part of the “maturita” examination, then these two documents are considered equivalent to the Czech “maturita” certificate and the applicant does not have to prove foreign education.
c) a document deemed automatically equivalent without any further administrative procedure
A foreign document concerning a foreign secondary education completed with the “maturita” examination, if it is deemed automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic in accordance with its international agreements without any further administrative procedures – these are documents proving obtainment of the equivalent of Czech “maturita” in Slovakia, Poland (“swiadectwo dojrzalosci”), Hungary (“érettségi bizonyítvány”), and Slovenia.
The applicant must submit:
Printed, filled and signed Accompanying letter.
An authenticated copy of the foreign certificate or a similar document proving foreign secondary education obtained by completing a secondary educational programme at a foreign secondary school operating under the legal regulations of another state.
If needed the faculty will request the applicant to also submit the following documents:
Original or an authenticated copy of a document describing the content and scope of education completed at a foreign school (an overview of subjects completed during period of study)
Free of charge.
d) a foreign document concerning a foreign secondary education
The applicant must submit:
- Accompanying letter to Recognition of Foreign Education, downloaded from the Study information system CU (section Proof of education in the module Admission)
- An authenticated copy of the foreign certificate or a similar document proving foreign secondary education obtained by completing a secondary educational programme at a foreign secondary school operating under the legal regulations of another state;
- Original or an authenticated copy of a document describing the content and scope of education completed at a foreign school (an overview of subjects including the number of hours of instruction for individual years of study).
If needed the faculty will request the applicant to also submit the following documents:
- Additional information on the content and scope of foreign secondary education;
- Additional information confirming that the programme of study was offered by an institution authorised to provide an education comparable to a secondary education under the Education Act;
- A confirmation from the relevant foreign secondary school or other relevant foreign body (e.g., a Ministry of Education) certifying that a graduate of a secondary educational programme at the relevant foreign secondary school is entitled to apply for admission to study in a bachelor’s or a long-cycle master’s programme of study in the given foreign state.
This concerns documents to which the procedure under letter (c) cannot be applied.
THE DOCUMENT IS ASSESSED – in the case of a positive assessment, the document is accepted; in the case of a negative assessment the applicant is required to submit a document under letter (a) (a general “nostrification”).
The assessment is valid only for the admissions procedure at one faculty.
The hard copies of the documents listed below should be delivered by post (the documents cannot be sent electronically by email) to the following address of the faculty no later than five prior to the date of registration.
We recommend that you submit your evaluation documents by the end of July.
Address of the faculty:
Přírodovědecká fakulta UK
Studijní odbor
Albertov 6
128 00 Praha 2
It is also possible to deliver the documents in person to Mgr. Valerie Havrdová in her office (address Na Slupi 16, Prague 2) during the office hours.
A FEE OF CZK 960 APPLIES, it can be paid:
1) by card online via the information system (after submission of the request „Recognition of foreign education“ electronically)
2) via bank transfer to the Faculty of Science
Payment instructions from a domestic account
Account name: Univerzita Karlova
Account No.: 19-2764980247/0100
Variable symbol: 988018
Please include the name of the applicant in the message to the recipient.
Payment instructions from a foreign account
All bank charges must be paid.
Account name: Univerzita Karlova
IBAN: CZ8701000000192764980247
Please include the name of the applicant in the message to the recipient.
Bank: Komerční banka a.s.
Bank address: Na Příkopě 33, 114 07 Praha 1, P.O. BOX 839, Česká republika
3) in cash at the cash desk of the Faculty of Science
Form for paying at the cash desk
Office hours of the cash desk (Albertov 6, ground floor, right corridor, room no. P23)
Documents which are not originally issued in the Czech, English, or Slovak languages must be officially translated into the Czech or English languages.
If the official translation is made by other than a Czech certified translator, the sheets with translations must be attached to the authenticated copies of the documents they relate to in such a way that makes it impossible to subsequently change or replace the sheets containing the translation. Translations attached unauthenticated copies of documents shall not be accepted.
Other documents
If the situation of the applicant calls for it, the applicant also submits the following documents:
a) A power of attorney, if the applicant is represented by an attorney for the purposes of proving compliance with the requirement for admission under section 48 (4) and (5) of the Higher Education Act;
b) If the applicant’s name changes, an authenticated copy of a document proving such change (e.g., a marriage certificate);
c) An authenticated copy of the decision to award international protection, if the assessment is requested by a person listed in section 90 (4) of the Higher Education Act and if this person wishes to use the possibility of substituting a document with an affirmation.
Forms of Authentication
The requirements for verification of documents depend on the country where the secondary education document was issued. This table contains a list of countries and required verification of college/university diplomas.
The faculty does not return documents sent for verification of education, so we recommend not sending originals but certified copies (e.g. a notarized copy of a super-legalized document).