The admissions procedure starts with a submission of a properly completed application for study and payment of the application fee by 29th February 2024.

Admission requirements

  • Completion of at least a bachelor’s university degree in any programme/field with a proof provided by 30 September 2024.
  • Applicants who pass the final exam in the autumn term and the applicants who have to wait for a recognition of their studies abroad (and have not received such document by September 30, 2024) have to present a document about their bachelor’s degree by 22 October 2024.
  • The applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree from a Czech university have to provide a registered copy of a diploma or an original copy of a proof that they have obtained a bachelor’s degree (in case they still do not have their official diploma). This requirement does not apply to the applicants who have obtained their bachelor’s degree at Charles University.
    The applicants who a hold a degree from a university abroad have to provide a proof of their education.
  • Pass the admission exam.
  • All the applicants who obtain at least 50 points (out of 100) at the exam will be accepted.
  • In case there are only few applicants, the dean can, with the approval of the section subject-area board, waive the admission exam and accept all the applicants who hold the degree required.

Application, fee for the admission procedure, tuition fee

The application is submitted electronically via the modulu Addmision of the study information system (SIS) of Charles University.

It is necessary to submit one application for each study programme.

Required attachments to the application form

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Motivation letter
  • Transcript of grades for the first two years of previous studies at the school corresponding
    to the bachelor's degree (the document must be in English, Czech or Slovak, or officially
    translated into one of these languages)

The application, including mandatory annexes, needs to be submitted electronically by 29 February 2024 (the hard copy is not sent to the faculty). The e-mail and password used for the submission of the application stay the same throughout the whole admission procedure.

Apply for study

The admission fee is 880 CZK and it is paid for each application submitted. The fee must be paid by 29 February 2024.

Payment by credit card

You can pay the fee by credit card in SIS in the details of the submitted application.

Payment from a from czech bank account

Account name: Univerzita Karlova

Account number: 19-2764980247/0100

Variable symbol: 988018

Specific symbol: the ID number generated by the information system after the application is submitted.

Payment from a foreign bank account

IBAN: CZ8701000000192764980247


In “Message for the recipient”, list the name of the applicant.

Account name: Univerzita Karlova

Bank: Komerční banka, a.s.

Bank address: Praha 1, Na Příkopě 33 čp. 969, 114 07, P.O. BOX 839

When paying from abroad (except SEPA), all bank charges must be paid. Use a bank transfer with the OUR fee payment type.

If an application does not meet all the requirements or if the application fee has not been paid, the faculty will ask the student to rectify the matter and will grant him/her adequattime to do so. If the matter is not resolved within the allowed time, the admission process will be suspended. The application fee is not refundable.

Admission exam

Regular date: May 6. – 17., 2024
Special date: May 24. – 31., 2024

Invitations to the admission exam are only sent electronically through the university’s
electronic information system and no later than 30 days before the exam date. If the faculty
sends an invitation for an alternative exam date, this period may be shortened accordingly.

Admission exams on an alternative date may only be permitted by the dean for applicants
who request an alternative date at least three days after the regular examination date. Only
serious reasons, primarily health-related, are considered for an alternative date. Other reasons
include study abroad constituting preparation for university study. The request must be duly
substantiated in writing and the circumstances in the request must be documented. Other
alternative dates are not permitted.
The application is submitted and handled through the university’s electronic information

Description of the admission exam, points

  • The exam takes place in two rounds.
  • The admission exam is held in English.
First round: (max. 40 points)

The assessment of the applicants is based on the following documents sent:

  • Curriculum vitae (10 points),
  • List of grades (10 points),
  • Motivation letter (20 points).

To proceed to the second round, the applicants must obtain at least 25 points.

Second round: (max. 60 points)

On-line interview with the applicants about the topics of their chosen study programme (max. 60 points). Subjects and the extent of the examination is described in the overview of the study programmes.

Points awarded

Curriculum vitae

10 points

The assessment of all the extracurricular activities, scientific and others.

Great results – proven participation in scientific activities, documented for example by co-authoring a scientific publication, presenting results at a conference, a recommendation from a leader of a scientific team, proof of participation in a scientific project; activities of popular science activities at national and international level; successful participation at the national level of a subject Olympiad; participation in an international Olympiad specified in the overview of criteria (depending on the chosen study programme), other extracurricular activities with a significant national and international impact; 10–8 points
Sufficient results – proven participation in scientific activities confirmed by a leader of a scientific team, successful participation at the national level of a subject Olympiad specified in the list of criteria (depending on the chosen study programme), activities of popular science at local level, other extracurricular activities with a significant national and local impact; 7–5 points

Minimum results – the applicant has not proven any of the above-mentioned activities; 4–0 points

Motivation letter

20 points

Readiness of the applicants for the chosen study programme is assessed.

Convincing motivation – well thought-through motivation which is related to the content of the chosen study programme; 20–15 points

Partially convincing motivation – relatively thought-through motivation which is partially related to the content of the chosen study programme; 15–10 points

Not convincing motivation – not prepared or adequate motivation which is not related to the content of the chosen study programme; 10–0 points



10 points

The grades in the subjects listed during the first two years of studies are assessed (according to the study programme chosen):

  • Botany: botany (vascular plants, non-vascular plants), ecology and other relevant subjects

  • Ecology: ecology, evolutionary biology, systematic subjects and other relevant subjects

  • Demography: four subjects relevant from the point of view of demography, chosen by the admission committee

  • Geodynamics: geology, petrology, structural geology, geotectonics, geochemistry, mineralogy

  • Immunology: immunology, cell biology, genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry

  • Parasitology and Infection biology: all the courses in biomedicines (e.g., immunology, cell bilogy, microbiology, virology, parasitology, anatomy, physiology)

The resulting percentual share of the grades “výborně” is divided by 10 and rounded = the result is the number of points on the scale from 0 to 10.

In case of oral, point or percentual grades, the applicant is obliged to provide a document of conversion of the results issued by their university (or other relevant institution).

Admission exam

60 points

The knowledge, especially in the field of the chosen study programme, is assessed. The exam checks the knowledge of the general knowledge in the field. The topic of the applicant’s bachelor thesis is also discussed as well as their ideas about their future master thesis.

The admission exam is held in English.


Overview of the criteria for curriculum vitae assessment


Successful participants in the national round of the following Olympiads:

  • Biology Olympiad, category A

Participants in international Olympiads:

  • (International Biology Olympiad - IBO)


Successful participants in the national round of the Olympiads in relevant disciplines according to the decision of the admission committee. Participants in the international Olympiads in relevant disciplines according to the decision of the admission committee.


Successful participants in the national round of the Olympiads in relevant disciplines according to the decision of the admission committee. Participants in the international Olympiads in relevant disciplines according to the decision of the admission committee.


Successful participants in the national round (Czech, Slovak) of the following Olympiads:

  • Chemistry Olympiad, category A and E

  • Math Olympiad, category A

  • Olympiad in Physics, category A

Participants in international Olympiads:

  • Chemistry (International Chemistry Olympiad – IChO)

  • Mathematics (International Mathematical Olympiad – IMO)

  • Physics (International Physics Olympiad – IPhO)


Successful participants in the national round (Czech, Slovak) of the following Olympiads:

  • Biology Olympiad, category A

  • Chemistry Olympiad, category A and E

Participants in international Olympiads:

  • Biology (International Biology Olympiad – IBO)

  • Chemistry (International Chemistry Olympiad – IChO)

Parasitology and Infection biology

Proven experience in the field of biomedicine.

Successful participants in the national round of the Olympiads in relevant disciplines according to the decision of the admission committee. Participants in the international Olympiads in relevant disciplines according to the decision of the admission committee.


Access to own file

After receiving the dean’s decision on the result of the admissions proceeding, the candidate is entitled to access his file. The organizational and administrative conditions for perusal are established by a dean’s measure.

Further information is available from the Student Affairs Division


Further information is available at web page Admissions to follow-up master study.

Overview of the study programmes open in the academic year 2024/2025

Study programme

Form and standard length of study

Subject and description of the admission exam

Botany (Botanika) with specializations:

Plant ecology

Bryology and lichenology


Algology and algal ecology

Vascular plants


2 years



The exam checks the knowledge of the general knowledge in the field. The topic of the applicant’s bachelor thesis is also discussed as well as their ideas about their future master thesis.



with specializations:

Aquatic Ecology

Terrestrial Ecology


2 years



The exam checks the knowledge of the general knowledge in the field. The topic of the applicant’s bachelor thesis is also discussed as well as their ideas about their future master thesis.



no specialization


2 years



The exam checks the knowledge of the general knowledge in the field. The topic of the applicant’s bachelor thesis is also discussed as well as their ideas about their future master thesis.

Parasitology and Infection Biology

(Parazitologie a infekční biologie)

no specialization


3 years


Infection Biology

The exam checks the knowledge of the general knowledge in the field. The topic of the applicant’s future master thesis is discussed.


no specialization

combined study

2 years


The exam checks the knowledge of the general knowledge in the field. The topic of the applicant’s bachelor thesis is also discussed as well as their ideas about their future master thesis.


with specialization



2 years



The exam checks the knowledge of the general knowledge in the field. The topic of the applicant’s future master thesis is discussed.