The admission procedure starts with the submission of a correctly completed application and the payment of the application fee by February 29, 2024.


Admission requirements

  • Completion of secondary education with proof provided by September 30, 2024. Applicants who pass the final exam in the autumn term and applicants who have to wait to have their international studies recognized must present a document concerning their bachelor’s degree by October 22, 2024.
    Applicants who have graduated from Czech schools must provide a registered copy of their graduation certificate.
    Applicants who hold a degree from an international school must provide proof of their education.

  • Passing the entrance exam (if the exam is not waived).

  • Applicants will be admitted to study in the order determined by the number of points achieved in the entrance exam. The point threshold for admission to individual study programmes is set by the dean of faculty based on the number of applicants taking the entrance exam and the capacity of the.


The application and the admission fee

The application is submitted electronically via the module Admission of the Study Information System of Charles University (SIS). The application needs to be submitted electronically by February 29, 2024 (no hard copies can be sent). The email and password used to submit the application remain the same throughout the admission procedure.


Required attachments to the application form:

  • Curriculum vitae (max. one A4 page);

  • Motivation letter (max. two A4 pages);

  • Complete classification (report card) for the last two completed years of secondary school (this document must be in English, Czech, or Slovak; alternatively, it can be officially translated into one of those languages).

The admission fee is 880 Czech crowns and is paid for each application submitted. The fee must be paid by February 29, 2024.


Payment by credit card

You can pay the fee by credit card in SIS in the details of the submitted application.


Payment from a from czech bank account

Account name: Univerzita Karlova

Account number: 19-2764980247/0100

Variable symbol: 988018

Specific symbol: the ID number generated by the information system after the application is submitted.


Payment from a foreign bank account

IBAN: CZ8701000000192764980247


In “Message for the recipient”, list the name of the applicant.

Account name: Univerzita Karlova

Bank: Komerční banka, a.s.

Bank address: Praha 1, Na Příkopě 33 čp. 969, 114 07, P.O. BOX 839

When paying from abroad (except SEPA), all bank charges must be paid. Use a bank transfer with the OUR fee payment type.

If an application does not meet all the requirements or if the application fee has not been paid, the faculty will ask the student to rectify the matter and will grant him/her adequate time to do so. If the matter is not resolved within the allowed time, the admission process will be suspended. The application fee is not refundable.


Admission examination

Primary date: 15th–19th April, 2024
Alternative date: 29th April, 2024

Invitations to the admission exam are only sent electronically via the university’s electronic information system and no later than thirty days before the exam date. If the faculty sends an invitation for an alternative exam date, this period may be shortened accordingly.

Admission exams on an alternative date may only be permitted by the dean for applicants who request an alternative date at least three days after the primary examination date. Only serious reasons, mainly health-related ones, can justify an alternative date. Other reasons include studying abroad in preparation for university. The request must be explained in detail, and the circumstances must be documented. Other alternative dates are not permitted. The request is submitted and handled through the SIS.


Description of the entrance examination

  • The entrance exam is a one-round online interview in biology, chemistry, physics.

  • The entrance exam is held in English.

  • Students will be assessed on their high school knowledge of biology, chemistry and physics, as well as their ability to connect and apply this knowledge.

The range of knowledge tested in biology, chemistry and physics is equivalent to the content of current secondary school textbooks. Some questions may go beyond the secondary school curriculum in terms of content and topic. These questions are intended to reveal the candidate’s interest in the subject and their ability to think logically and solve problems based on the correct interpretation of the information provided (e.g., in the form of a text, graph, table, diagram, or picture). Applicants are also assessed on their ability to analyze and apply achieved knowledge.


Entrance examination scores

A maximum of 100 points can be awarded.

Curriculum vitae

10 points

Achievements in all extracurricular activities are evaluated, both scientific and non-scientific ones.

Motivation letter

25 points

The applicant’s readiness to study a demanding interdisciplinary programme is evaluated.


10 points

Grades in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, eventually in programming and computer science are evaluated.

Entrance exam

55 points

Secondary school knowledge is evaluated, especially in biology, chemistry and physics. The ability to integrate and apply knowledge as well as the student’s capacity to communicate scientific topics in English are also assessed.


Evaluation criteria

Curriculum vitae

Excellent prerequisites: successful solver of the national round of the International Olympiad, participant in the International Olympiad as specified in the overview section criteria to be considered, min. one year of study at a foreign secondary school (different from the applicant’s nationality), proven involvement in scientific activities (e.g., co-authorship of a scientific publication), presentation of results at a conference, a statement from the supervisor of a research team and evidence of participation in a grant project, popularisation activities at the international and national level, or other extracurricular activities with significant international and national impact (10–8 points).

Sufficient prerequisites: successful solver of the national round of the International Olympiad as specified in the overview section criteria to be considered, demonstrable involvement in scientific activities as evidenced by a statement from the supervisor of a research team, popularization activities at the local level, or other extracurricular activities with significant national and local impact (7–5 points).

Minimum prerequisites: the applicant has not demonstrated any of the above, but his/her curriculum vitae demonstrates other significant achievements (4–0 points).

Motivation letter

Compelling motivation: a well–thought-out letter that is relevant to the Science programme (25–20 points).

Semi-compelling motivation: a reasonably thought-out letter that is broadly relevant to the Science programme (19–14 points).

Uncompelling motivation: an unclear letter that is not relevant to the Science programme (13–0 points).


The grades in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics for the last two completed years of secondary school are evaluated. The calculated percentage of A grades is divided by ten and rounded to whole number; the result represents a score on a scale from zero to ten.

In the case of verbal, point, and percentage marks, the applicant must provide the basis for the conversion of the results of the studies issued by the secondary school in question or another relevant institution.


Waiver of entrance examination

The entrance examination will be waived upon the applicant’s request if he/she provides evidence in the form of an electronic copy of one of the necessary criteria.

The request is submitted and handled through the SIS and must be submitted no later than March 3, 2024.

Evidence of fulfillment of the necessary criteria

The document must be submitted in English, Czech, or Slovak; alternatively, it must be officially translated into one of those languages.

The result of the International Advanced Placement Examinations is documented by a copy of the Student Score Report for Colleges and Universities and a certificate/confirmation issued by the Center for Talented Youth in Prague.

Participation in the relevant round of the International Olympiad is evidenced by a copy of the diploma or a certificate of participation.

Overview of considered criteria

Successful solvers of the central (national, Czech, or Slovak) round of the Olympiad

Biology Olympiad category A Chemistry Olympiad category A and E Physics Olympiad category A

Mathematical Olympiad category A and P

Participants in the Olympiad

Biology (International Biology Olympiad - IBO) Chemistry (International Chemistry Olympiad - IChO) Physics (International Physics Olympiad - IPhO) Mathematics (International Mathematical Olympiad - IMO)

Applicants who have taken the Advanced Placement International Examination in AP Biology with a score of 5 or 4.

Applicants who have taken the Advanced Placement International Examination in AP Chemistry with a score of 5 or 4.

Applicants who have taken the International Advanced Placement Examination in AP Physics 1 or AP Physics 2 with a score of 5 or 4.

Applicants who have taken the Advanced Placement International Examination in AP Calculus A or AP Calculus B with a score of 5 or 4.


Viewing of personal file

After notification of the dean’s decision regarding the outcome of the admission process, the applicant is entitled to view his/her file. The administrative and organizational conditions for viewing applicants’ profiles are determined by the dean.

Further information is available from the Student Affairs Division


Further information is available at web page Admissions to bachelor studies.


Fee for studies in a foreign language

Students enrolled in programmes taught in English are required to pay the tuition fee for studies in a foreign language as established by Appendix 2 of the Constitution of Charles University. More information at web page Tutition (Chybí odkaz).