CŽV EN schedule for the summer semester 2024/2025  (only one-semester courses)

  • 2.1. - 14.1.2025 - online placement test (Moodle) or sending a scanned certificate that testifies to the student’s level of language proficiency - summer semester courses (only one-semester courses)
  • 15.1. 2025 -test results (hana.chudackova@natur.cuni.cz
  • 16.-17.1.2025 -online meetings to discuss the course level (irena.antonova@ujop.cuni.cz
  • 20.1. - 9.2. 2025 -applying for a course by email, choosing a timetable, payment (irena.antonova@ujop.cuni.cz) FILL IN THE ONLINE FORM IN THE PERIOD FROM 22.1. TO 9.2.2025 LINK HERE
  • 17.2.2025 - summer semester courses begin

CŽV EN schedule for the winter semester 2024/2025 

  • 12. 8. - 30. 8. 2024 – online placement test (Moodle) or sending a scanned certificate that
  • testifies to the student’s level of language proficiency
  • 2. 9. 2024 – test results
  • 4. - 6.9. 2024 – office hours to discuss the course level (irena.antonova@ujop.cuni.cz)
  • 12.9. - 25.9.2024 – applying for a course in the SIS system, choosing a timetable, payment
  • 30.9.2024 – winter semester courses begin