Two-semester course for students at the B2+ English proficiency level Emphasis is placed on improving skills used in the academic environment (debate, writing, presentation). Students in the K6 course further develop their reading, writing, conversation and listening skills in the university environment at an advanced level. They develop their ability to write and correct academic texts and adapt them to different occasions. They improve the ability to find, process and present data, and use different resources. They improve their use of complex grammar structures, expand their vocabulary and improve pronunciation and communication skills. They also work on their learning skills and strategies and are able to understand texts from unfamiliar scientific disciplines. The grammar covered in this course coincides with the grammar included in textbooks of the same level that follow the CERR framework ( The course is primarily aimed at master’s degree and doctoral students. What does it mean to reach the C1 proficiency level do according to the CEFR framework? The student understands a wide range of challenging and lengthy texts and knows the implicit meaning of the text. They can express themselves fluently and promptly without apparent search for words. They can use the language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. They can create comprehensible, well organized, detailed texts on complex themes, demonstrating mastery of compositional units, linking expressions, and cohesive devices. Materials used: This is a rough guide on what materials to expect, students will receive more detailed information after discussing their individual needs with the teacher during their first lesson. Advanced Grammar In Use (2013), Hewings; Cambridge Business grammar and usage Strutt; Longman English pronunciation In Use Hancock; Cambridge IELTS/TOEFL /CPE test preparation materials authentic materials (scientific articles, TED talks and other videos) other materials