Neděle 13.10.2024

The new issue of the newsletter brings you news from the world of GIS and Earth Observation, new events in the Copernicus Academy CZ project and opportunities to improve your knowledge and your CV by taking online GIS or EO courses.

The October issue of the Copernicus Academy CZ newsletter is out! Read it here.

What you will find in it:

  • Invitation to the Copernicus Czech User Forum from Český hydrometeorologický ústav, Ministerstvo dopravy ČR a Ministerstvo životního prostředí
  • Invitation to the Czech part of the CASSINI Space Hackathon od Pražský inovační institut
  • News about the new Copernicus Sentinel satellites, specifically about Sentinel-2C and Sentinel-1C
  • Invitations to online courses “Introduction to Machine Learning for Earth Observation” and “Cubes and Clouds” from EO College
  • Internship opportunities at the European Space Agency (ESA) for master students
  • Invitation to an online workshop from WEkEO for forest monitoring
  • Invitation to a GeoAI press conference at the Czech Technical University in Prague


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