Články v impaktovaných časopisech

Figura, T., Tylová, E., Matsuda, Y., Janoušková, M., Ponert, J. 2025. Nitrate inhibition of germination in Ericaceae relates to seed size and mycoheterotrophy. Functional Ecology

Šustr M., Konrádová H., Martinčová M, Soukup A, Tylová E. 2024 Potassium transporter KUP9 regulates plant response to K plus deficiency and affects carbohydrate allocation in A. thaliana, Journal of Plant Physiology 292, 154147.

Pelayo, M.A.; Morishita, F.; Sawada, H.; Matsushita, K.; Iimura, H.; He, Z.; Looi, L.S.; Katagiri, N.; Nagamori, A.; Suzuki, T., Širl, M., Soukup, A., Satake, A., Ito, T., Yamaguchi, N. 2023. AGAMOUS regulates various target genes via cell cycle–coupled H3K27me3 dilution in floral meristems and stamens. Plant Cell 35: 2821-2847.

Xin, P., Schier, J., Šefrnová, Y., Kulich, I., Dubrovsky, J. G., Vielle‐Calzada, J. P., & Soukup, A. 2022. The Arabidopsis TETRATRICOPEPTIDE‐REPEAT THIOREDOXIN‐LIKE (TTL) family members are involved in root system formation via their interaction with cytoskeleton and cell wall remodeling. Plant J 112(4): 946-965.

Konečná V., Šustr M., Požárová D., Čertner M., Krejčová A., Tylová E., Kolář F. 2022. Genomic basis and phenotypic manifestation of (non-)parallel serpentine adaptation in Arabidopsis arenosa. Evolution 76(10), 2315-2331.

Saska P., Skuhrovec J., Platková H., Kosová K., Tylová E., Tuan S.J., Vítámvás P. 2022. Response of the spring wheat-cereal aphid system to drought: support for the plant vigour hypothesis. Journal of Pest Science 1-15.

Hromadová D., Soukup A., Tylová E. 2021. Arabinogalactan Proteins in Plant Roots–An Update on Possible Functions. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 674010.

Seago Jr J.L., Tylová E., Soukup A., Bona C., Votrubová O. 2021. A new examination of anatomical structures characterizing the genus Gunnera. Flora 283, 151919.

Saska P., Skuhrovec J., Tylová E., Platková H., Tuan SJ, Hsu YT, Vítámvás P. 2021. Leaf structural traits rather than drought resistance determine aphid performance on spring wheat. Journal of Pest Science 94 (2), 423-434

Figura T., Tylova E., Jersakova J., Vohnik M., Ponert J. 2021. Fungal symbionts may modulate nitrate inhibitory effect on orchid seed germination. Mycorrhiza 31 (2), 231-241

Sirl M, Snajdrova T, Gutierrez-Alanis D, Dubrovsky JG, Vielle-Calzada JP, Kulich I, Soukup A. 2020. At-Hook Motif Nuclear Localised Protein 18 as a Novel Modulator of Root System Architecture. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21: 19.

Šustr M., Doksanská T., Doležalová B., Soukup A., Tylová E. 2020. 134Cs Uptake and Growth at Various Cs+ and K+ Levels in Arabidopsis AtKUP7 Mutants. Plants 9 (11), 1525.

Namyslov J., Bauriedlová Z., Janoušková J., Soukup A., Tylová E. 2020. Exodermis and endodermis respond to nutrient deficiency in nutrient-specific and localized manner. Plants 9: 201.

Sustr M., Soukup A., Tylova E. 2019. Potassium in root growth and development. Plants 8: 435.

Soukup A. 2019. Selected Simple Methods of Plant Cell Wall Histochemistry and Staining for Light Microscopy. In: Cvrčková F, Žárský V, eds. Plant Cell Morphogenesis: Methods and Protocols. New York, NY: Springer New York.

Soukup, A., Tylová, E. 2019. Essential methods of plant sample preparation for light microscopy. Plant Cell Morphogenesis. Methods in Molecular Biology 1992: 1-26.

Figura T., Tylová E., Šoch J., Selosse M.A., Ponert J. 2019. In vitro axenic germination and cultivation of mixotrophic Pyroloideae (Ericaceae) and their post-germination ontogenetic development. Annals of Botany 123: 625-639.

Soukup A., Tylová E. 2018. Apoplastic Barriers: Their Structure and Function from a Historical Perspective. Concepts in Cell Biology-History and Evolution, 155-183.

Janská A, Pecková E, Sczepaniak B, Smýkal P, Soukup A. 2018. The role of the testa during the establishment of physical dormancy in the pea seed. Annals of Botany 123(5): 815-829.

Tylová E., Pecková E., Blascheová Z., Soukup A. 2017. Casparian bands and suberin lamellae in exodermis of lateral roots: an important trait of root system response to abiotic stress factors. Annals of Botany 120: 71-85.

Hradilová I, Trněný O, Válková M, Cechová M, Janská A, Prokešová L, Aamir K, Krezdorn N, Rotter B, Winter P, et al. 2017. A Combined Comparative Transcriptomic, Metabolomic, and Anatomical Analyses of Two Key Domestication Traits: Pod Dehiscence and Seed Dormancy in Pea (Pisum sp.). Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 542.

Benáková M., Ahmadi H., Dučaiová Z., Tylová E., Clemens S., Tůma J. 2017. Effects of Cd and Zn on physiological and anatomical properties of hydroponically grown Brassica napus plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24: 20705-20716.

Pratap Sahi V, Cifrova P, Garcia-Gonzalez J, Kotannal Baby I, Mouille G, Gineau E, Muller K, Baluska F, Soukup A, Petrasek J, et al. 2017. Arabidopsis thaliana plants lacking the ARP2/3 complex show defects in cell wall assembly and auxin distribution. Annals of Botany 122(5), 777-789.

Pecková E., Tylová E., Soukup A. 2016. Tracing root permeability: comparison of tracer methods. Biologia Plantarum. 60: 695-705.

Soukup, A., Tylová, E. 2014. Essential methods of plant sample preparation for light microscopy. Plant Cell Morphogenesis. Methods in Molecular Biology 1080: 1-23.

Smykal P, Vernoud V, Blair MW, Soukup A, Thompson RD. 2014. The role of the testa during development and in establishment of dormancy of the legume seed. Frontiers in Plant Science 5: 351.

Husakova E, Hochholdinger F, Soukup A. 2013. Lateral root development in the maize (Zea mays) lateral rootless1 mutant. Annals of Botany 112(2): 417-428.

Tylová E., Steinbachová L., Soukup A., Gloser V. and Votrubová O. (2012). Pore water N:P and NH4+:NO3- alter the response of Phragmites australis and Glyceria maxima to extreme nutrient regimes. Hydrobiologia 700: 141-155.

Hernández-Barrera A, Ugartechea-Chirino Y, Shishkova S, Napsucialy-Mendivil S, Soukup A, Reyes-Hernández B, Lira-Ruan V, Dong G, Dubrovsky J. 2011. Apical meristem exhaustion during determinate primary root growth in the moots koom mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 234(6): 1163-1177.

Kulich I, Cole R, Drdova E, Cvrckova F, Soukup A, Fowler J, Zarsky V. 2010. Arabidopsis exocyst subunits SEC8 and EXO70A1 and exocyst interactor ROH1 are involved in the localized deposition of seed coat pectin. New Phytologist 188(2): 615-625.

Dubrovsky JG, Soukup A, Napsucialy-Mendivil S, Jeknic Z, Ivanchenko MG. 2009. The lateral root initiation index: an integrative measure of primordium formation. Annals of Botany 103(5): 807-817.

Tylová E., Steinbachová L., Votrubová O., Lorenzen B. and Brix H. 2008. Different sensitivity of Phragmites australis and Glyceria maxima to high availability of ammonium-N. Aquatic Botany 88: 93-98.

Tylová E., Steinbachová L., Votrubová O. and Gloser V. 2008. Phenology and autumnal accumulation of N reserves in belowground organs of wetland helophytes Phragmites australis and Glyceria maxima affected by nutrient surplus. Environmental and Experimental Botany 63: 28-38.

Soukup A, Armstrong W, Schreiber L, Franke R, Votrubova O. 2007. Apoplastic barriers to radial oxygen loss and solute penetration: a chemical and functional comparison of the exodermis of two wetland species, Phragmites australis and Glyceria maxima. New Phytologist 173(2): 264-278.

Steinbachová-Vojtíšková L., Tylová E., Novická H., Soukup A., Votrubová O. Lipavská H., Čížková H. 2006.Influence of nutrient supply on growth, carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolic relations in Typha angustifolia. Environmental and Experimental Botany 57: 246-257.

Vojtíšková L., Munzarová E., Votrubová O., Čížková H. and Lipavská H. 2006. The influence of nitrogen nutrition on the carbohydrate and nitrogen status of emergent macrophyte Acorus calamus L. Hydrobiologia 563:73-85.

Munzarová E., Lorenzen B., Brix H., Vojtíšková L. and Votrubová O. 2006. Effect of NH4+/NO3− availability on nitrate reductase activity and nitrogen accumulation in wetland helophytes Phragmites australis and Glyceria maxima. Environmental and Experimental Botany 55: 49-60.

Seago JL, Marsh LC, Stevens KJ, Soukup A, Votrubova O, Enstone DE. 2005. A re-examination of the root cortex in wetland flowering plants with respect to aerenchyma. Annals of Botany 96(4): 565-579.

Soukup A, Seago JL, Votrubova O. 2005. Developmental anatomy of the root cortex of the basal monocotyledon, Acorus calamus (Acorales, Acoraceae). Annals of Botany 96(3): 379-385.

Soukup A, Votrubova O. 2005. Wound-induced vascular occlusions in tissues of the reed Phragmites australis: their development and chemical nature. New Phytologist 167(2): 415-424.

Tylová-Munzarová E., Lorenzen B., Brix H. and Votrubová O. 2005. The effects of NH4+ and NO3- on growth, resource allocation and nitrogen uptake kinetics of Phragmites australis and Glyceria maxima. Aquatic Botany 81: 326-342.

Vojtíšková L., Munzarová E., Votrubová O., Říhová A. and Juřicová B. 2004. Growth and biomass allocation of sweet flag (Acorus calamus L.) under different nutrient conditions. Hydrobiologia 518: 9-22.


Další publikace

Votrubová,O.: Anatomie rostlin, Nakladatelství Karolinum, UK v Praze, 2010,ISBN 978-80-246-1867-8

Pazourek, J., Votrubová, O.: Atlas of Plant Anatomy, PERES Publishers, Praha, 1997, ISBN 80-901691-2-0