prof. RNDr. Radan Huth, DrSc.
Odborné zaměření
Klimatologie, zejména: synoptická klimatologie, statistická klimatologie, vývoj a aplikace statistických metod v meteorologii a klimatologii, všeobecná cirkulace atmosféry, extraterestrické vlivy na klima, detekce změn klimatu, budoucí změny klimatu a jejich dopady, modelování klimatu.
Pedagogická činnost
Meteorologie a klimatologie, Statistické metody ve fyzické geografii, Všeobecná a regionální klimatologie, Klimatická změna a modelování klimatu, Dynamická a synoptická klimatologie
Vybrané publikace
Krauskopf, T., Huth, R., 2024: Trends in intraseasonal temperature variability in Europe: comparison of station data with gridded data and reanalyses. Int. J. Climatol., 44, 3054-3074. doi: 10.1002/joc.8512
Navrátilová, D., Huth, R., 2024: Atmospheric fronts from a climatologist’s perspective: A review. Geografie, 129, 119-143. doi: 10.37040/geografie.2024.009
Stryhal, J., Beranová, R., Huth, R., 2023: Representation of modes of atmospheric circulation variability by self-organizing maps: A study using synthetic data. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 128, e2023JD039183. doi: 10.1029/2023JD039183
Piskala, V., Huth, R., 2023: Spatial changes in two major modes of atmospheric circulation variability during the 20th century. Geografie, 128, 379-396. doi: 10.37040/geografie.2023.017
Piskala, V., Huth, R., 2023: Modes of low-frequency circulation variability in ensemble mean and ensemble members of the 20CR reanalysis. J. Climate, 36, 7771-7783. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0620.1
Krauskopf, T., Huth, R., 2022: Trends in intraseasonal temperature variability in Europe, 1961-2018. Int. J. Climatol., 42, 7298-7320. doi: 10.1002/joc.7645
Hynčica, M., Huth, R., 2022: Temporal evolution of relationships between temperature and circulation modes in five reanalyses. Int. J. Climatol., 42, 4391-4404. doi: 10.1002/joc.7474
Huth, R., Dubrovský, M., 2021: Testing for trends on a regional scale: Beyond local significance. J. Climate, 34, 5349-5365. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0960.1
Huth, R., Beranová, R., 2021: How to recognize a true mode of atmospheric circulation variability? Earth Space Sci., 8, e2020EA001275. doi: 10.1029/2020EA001275
Bettolli, M.L., Solman, S., Da Rocha, R.P., Llopart, M., Gutiérrez, J.M., Fernández, J., Olmo, M., Gullón, A.L., Chou, S.C., Carneiro Rodrigues, D., Coppola, E., Balmaceda Huarte, R., Barreiro, M., Blázquez, J., Doyle, M., Feijoó, M., Huth, R., Machado, L., Vianna Cuadra, S., 2021: The CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study in Southeastern South America: A comparative study of statistical and dynamical downscaling models in simulating daily extreme precipitation events. Clim. Dyn., 56, 1589-1608. doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05549 –z
Hynčica, M., Huth, R., 2020: Gridded versus station temperatures: time evolution of relationships with atmospheric circulation. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 125, e2020JD033254. doi: 10.1029/2020JD033254
Hynčica, M., Huth, R., 2020: Modes of atmospheric circulation variability in the Northern Hemisphere: A comparison of five reanalyses. J. Climate, 33, 10707-10726. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0904.1
Sýkorová, P., Huth, R., 2020: The applicability of the Hess-Brezowsky synoptic classification to the description of climate elements in Europe. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 142, 1295-1309. doi: 10.1007/s00704-020-03375-1
Piskala, V., Huth, R., 2020: Asymmetry of day-to-day temperature changes and its causes. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 140, 683-690. doi: 10.1007/s00704-020-03116-4
Krauskopf, T., Huth, R., 2020: Temperature trends in Europe: Comparison of different data sources. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 139, 1305-1316. doi: 10.1007/s00704-019-03038-w
Dubrovský, M., Huth, R., Dabhi, H., Rotach, M.W., 2020: Parametric gridded weather generator for use in present and future climates: focus on spatial temperature characteristics. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 139, 1031-1044. doi: 10.1007/s00704-019-03027-z
Bochníček, J., Šimkanin, J., Hejda, P., Huth, R., 2019: The day-to-day effects of strong geomagnetic disturbances on the North Atlantic Oscillation in the winter period of years 1951-2003. Stud. Geophys. Geod., 63, 455-464.
Hynčica, M., Huth, R., 2019: Long-term changes in precipitation phase in Europe in cold half year. Atmos. Res., 227, 79-88. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.04.032
Hynčica, M., Huth, R., 2019: Long-term changes in precipitation phase in Czechia. Geografie, 124, 41-55.
Stryhal, J., Huth, R., 2019: Trends in winter circulation over the British Isles and central Europe in 21st century projections by 25 CMIP5 GCMs. Clim. Dyn., 52, 1063-1075. doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4178-3
Stryhal, J., Huth, R., 2019: Classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns: Validation of CMIP5 GCMs over Europe and the North Atlantic. Clim. Dyn., 52, 3575-3598. doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4344-7
Gutiérrez, J.M., Maraun, D., Widmann, M., Huth, R., Hertig, E., Benestad, R., Roessler, O., Wibig, J., Wilcke, R., Kotlarski, S., San Martín, D., Herrera, S., Bedia, J., Casanueva, A., Manzanas, R., Iturbide, M., Vrac, M., Dubrovsky, M., Ribalaygua, J., Pórtoles, J., Räty, O., Räisänen, J., Hingray, B., Raynaud, D., Casado, M.J., Ramos, P., Zerenner, T., Turco, M., Bosshard, T., Štěpánek, P., Bartholy, J., Pongracz, R., Keller, D.E., Fischer, A.M., Cardoso, R.M., Soares, P.M.M., Czernecki, B., Pagé, C., 2019: An intercomparison of a large ensemble of statistical downscaling methods over Europe: Results from the VALUE perfect predictor cross-validation experiment. Int. J. Climatol., 39, 3750-3785. doi: 10.1002/joc.5462.
Maraun, D., Huth, R., Gutiérrez, J.M., San Martin, D., Dubrovský, M., Fischer, A., Hertig, E., Soares, P.M., Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R., Widmann, M., Casado, M.J., Ramos, P., 2019: The VALUE perfect predictor experiment: evaluation of temporal variability. Int. J. Climatol., 39, 3786-3818. doi: 10.1002/joc.5222
Soares, P.M.M., Maraun, D., Brands, S., Jury, M.W., Gutiérrez, J.M., San Martín, D., Hertig, E., Huth, R., Belušić Vozila, A., Cardoso R.M., Kotlarski, S., Drobinski, P., Obermann-Hellhund, A., 2019: Process-based evaluation of the VALUE perfect predictor experiment of statistical downscaling methods. Int. J. Climatol., 39, 3868-3893. doi: 10.1002/joc.5911
Widmann, M., Bedia, J., Gutiérrez, J.M., Bosshard, T., Hertig, E., Maraun, D., Casado, M.J., Ramos, P., Cardoso, R.M., Soares, P., Ribalaygua, J., Pagé, C., Fischer, A., Herrera, S., Huth, R., 2019: Validation of spatial variability in downscaling results from the VALUE perfect predictor experiment. Int. J. Climatol., 39, 3819-3845.
Pokorná, L., Kučerová, M., Huth, R., 2018: Annual cycle of temperature trends in Europe, 1961–2000. Glob. Planet. Change, 170, 146-162.
Stryhal, J., Huth, R., 2017: Classifications of winter Euro-Atlantic circulation patterns: an intercomparison of five atmospheric reanalyses. J. Climate, 30, 7847-7861. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0059.1
Philipp, A., Beck, C., Huth, R., Jacobeit, J., 2016: Development and comparison of circulation type classifications using the COST733 dataset and software. Int. J. Climatol., 36, 2673-2691.
Maraun, D., Widmann, M., Gutierrez, J.M., Kotlarski, S., Chandler, R.E., Hertig, E., Wibig, J., Huth, R., Wilcke, R.A.I., 2015: VALUE: A framework to validate downscaling approaches for climate change studies. Earth’s Future, 3, 1-14, doi: 10.1002/2014EF000259.
Philipp, A., Bartholy, J., Beck, C., Erpicum, M., Esteban, P., Fettweis, X., Huth, R., James, P., Jourdain, S., Kreienkamp, F., Krennert, T., Lykoudis, S., Michalides, S., Pianko, K., Post, P., Rasilla Álvarez, D., Schiemann, R., Spekat, A., Tymvios, F.S., 2010: COST733cat – A database of weather and circulation type classifications. Phys. Chem. Earth, 35, 360-373.
Huth, R., Beck, C., Philipp, A., Demuzere, M., Ustrnul, Z., Cahynová, M., Kyselý, J., Tveito, O.E., 2008: Classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns: recent advances and applications. Ann. N. York Acad. Sci., 1146, 105-152.
Barriopedro, D., García-Herrera, R., Huth, R., 2008: Solar modulation of Northern Hemisphere winter blocking. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D14118.
- 0000000194084441
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- H64222014
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7006308157