Čtvrtek 1.8.2024

V nakladatelství Springer vyšla kolektivní monografie The Nature of Geomorphological Hazards in the Nepal Himalaya. Jejími  editory jsou prof. RNDr. Jan Kalvoda, DrSc. a PhDr. et Mgr. Eva Novotná, Ph.D. Kniha je dostupná v tištěné a elektronicképodobě. 


Anotace nakladateleThe book offers a wide range of research topics that are addressed with the aim of contributing to the knowledge of geomorphological hazards in the Himalaya. It is emphasized the integration of climate-driven morphogenetic and tectonic processes in the Nepal Himalaya as a substantial phenomenon of active collisional orogeny. The extreme dynamics of landform evolution in the Himalayan terranes triggers severe natural hazards and risks. Interdisciplinary research of geomorphological processes and events related to natural hazards in the Nepal Himalaya follows general efforts to reduce geoenvironmental disasters. Visual documentation is of particular importance in the conception of the book, which is intended for specialized researchers as well as students.