Therapeutic potential of Sertoli cells in vivo: alleviation of acute inflammation and improvement of sperm quality
Authors: Porubska P, Plevakova M, Fikarova N, Vasek D, Somova V, Sanovec O, Simonik O, Komrskova K, Krylov V., Tlapakova T, Krulova M.
Published: 2024 Stem Cell Research & Therapy
DOI: 10.1186/s13287-024-03897-9

Immune response to cold exposure: Role of γδ T cells and TLR2-mediated inflammation
Authors: Vasek D, Holicek P, Galatik F, Kratochvilova A, Porubska B, Somova V, Fikarova N, Hajkova M, Prevorovsky M, Zurmanova J, Krulova M.
Published: 2024 European Journal of Immunology
DOI: 10.1002/eji.202350897

Lipopolysaccharide pretreatment increases the sensitivity of the TRPV1 channel and promotes an anti-inflammatory phenotype of capsaicin-activated macrophages
Authors: Vasek D, Fikarova N, Nagy Markova V, Honc O, Pacakova L, Porubska B, Somova V, Novotny J, Melkes B, Krulova M.
Published: 2024 in Journal of Inflammation
DOI : 10.1186/s12950-024-00391-0

Phenotype and function of macrophages is regulated by chemokines. Macrophages Biology and Tissue Inflammation in Health and Disease
Authors: Krulova M., Somova V, Fikarova N.
Published: as a chapter in the book Macrophages Biology and Tissue Inflammation in Health and Disease in 2024 in Elsevier
e-book ISBN: 9780128217627
Paperback ISBN: 9780128217542



Xenogeneic Sertoli cells modulate immune response in an evolutionary distant mouse model through the production of interleukin-10 and PD-1 ligands expression
Authors: Vegrichtova M, Hajkova M, Porubska B, Vasek D, Krylov V, Tlapakova T, Krulova M.
Published: 2022 in Xenotransplantation
DOI: 10.1111/xen.12742

The Inability of Ex Vivo Expanded Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells to Survive in Newborn Mice and to Induce Transplantation Tolerance
Authors: Holan V, Echalar B, Palacka K, Kossl J, Bohacova P, Porubská B, Krulova M, Javorkova E,
Zajicova A.
Published: 2022 in Stem Cell Rev Rep.
DOI: 10.1007/s12015-022-10363-7

Disgust sensitivity is negatively associated with immune system activity in early pregnancy: Direct support for the Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis
Authors: Kankova S, Takacs L, Krulova M, Hlavacova J, Nouzova K, Hill M, Vcelak J, Monk C.
Published: 2022 in Evolution and Human Behavior
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1015927


Sertoli Cells Possess Immunomodulatory Properties and the Ability of Mitochondrial Transfer Similar to Mesenchymal Stromal Cells.
Authors: Porubska B, Vasek D, Somova V, Hajkova M, Hlaviznova M, Tlapakova T, Holan VKrulova M.
Published: 2021 in Stem Cell Rev Rep.
DOI: 10.1007/s12015-021-10197-9

The Altered Migration and Distribution of Systemically Administered Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Morphine-Treated Recipients
Authors: Holan V, Echalar B, Palacka K, Kossl J, Bohacova P, Krulova M, Brejchova J, Svoboda P,
Zajicova A.
Published: 2021 in Stem Cell Rev Rep.
DOI: 10.1007/s12015-021-10126-w

Interleukin-10 production by B cells is regulated by cytokines, but independently of GATA3 or Foxp3 expression.
Authors: Bohacova P, Kossl J, Hajkova M. Hermankova B, Javorkova, E, Zajicova A, Krulova MHolan V.
Published: 2020 in Cell. Immunol
DOI: 10.1016/j.cellimm.2019.103987



Cyclosporine A promotes the therapeutic effect of mesenchymal stem cells on transplantation reaction
Authors: Hajkova M, Jaburek F, Porubska B, Bohacova P, Holan VKrulova M.
Published: 2019 in Clin Sci (Lond)
DOI: 10.1042/CS20190294

Cytokine interplay among the diseased retina, inflammatory cells and mesenchymal stem cells – a clue to stem cell-based therapy
Authors: Holan V, Hermankova B, Krulova M, Zajicova A.
Published: 2019 in World Journal of Stem Cells.
DOI: 10.4252/wjsc.v11.i11.957

The Immunomodulatory Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Retinal Inflammatory Environment
Authors: Hermankova B, Kossl J, Bohacova P, Javorkova EHajkova M, Krulova M, Zajicova A, Holan V.
Published: 2019 in Stem Cell Rev.
DOI: 10.1007/s12015-019-09908-0

Epithelial-mesenchymal transition promotes the differentiation potential of Xenopus tropicalis immature Sertoli cells
Authors: Nguyen X, Vegrichtova M, Tlapakova T, Krulova M, Krylov V.
Published: 2019 in Stem Cells Int.
DOI: 10.1155/2019/8387478

Kinetics of Helios (+) and Helios(-) T regulatory cell subsets in the circulation of healthy pregnant

Authors: Koprivová H, Hajková M, Koucky M, Malicková K, Holan VKrulova M.
Published: 2019 in Scand J Immunol.
DOI: 10.1111/sji.12754

Immunomodulatory Properties of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Healthy Donors
Authors: Javorkova E, Matejckova N, Zajicova A, Hermankova B, Hajkova M, Bohacova P, Kossl J,
Krulova M, Holan V.
Published: 2018 in J Neuroimmune Pharmacol.
DOI: 10.1007/s11481-018-9812-7

Survival of exogenous Mesenchymal stem cells after topical application on nanofiber scaffold
Authors: Krulova M., Hajkova M.
Published: Nanostructures in biomedicine: their regenerative and toxic properties, 2018 in Proxima Tisk
ISBN 978-80-906655-7-6

The effect of distinct immunosuppressive drugs on the phenotype, metabolic activity and apoptosis of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Authors: Hajkova M, Krulova M.
Published: Nanostructures in biomedicine: their regenerative and toxic properties, 2018 in Proxima Tisk
ISBN 978-80-906655-7-6

Immunosuppressive effects of mesenchymal stem cells applied on nanofiber scaffolds in combination with a local immunosupppression in a mocel of skin transplantation
Authors: Krulova M. Hajkova M. Javorkova E.
Published: 2017 in Proxima Tisk
ISBN: 978-80-906655-5-2

Study of synergistic effect of mesenchymal stem cells and immunosuppressive drugs on an inflammatory response in an in vitro model
Authors: Hajkova M, Hermankova B., Krulova M.
Published: 2017 in Proxima Tisk
ISBN: 978-80-906655-5-2

Exploitation of stable nanostructure based on the mouse polyomavirus for development of a recombinant vaccine against porcine circovirus 2
Authors: Fraiberk M, Hajkova MKrulova M, Kojzarova M, Drda Moravkova a, Psikal I, Forstova J.,
Published: 2017 in Plos One.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0184870

The Identification of Interferon-γ as a Key Supportive Factor for Retinal Differentiation of Murine Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Authors: Hermankova B, Kossl J, Javorkova E, Bohacova P, Hajkova M, Zajicova A, Krulova MHolan V.
Published: 2017 in Stem Cells Dev.
DOI: 10.1089/scd.2017.0111

Mesenchymal Stem Cells Attenuate the Adverse Effects of Immunosuppressive Drugs on Distinct T Cell Subopulations
Authors: Hajkova M, Hermankova B, Javorkova E, Bohacova P, Zajicova A, Holan VKrulova M.
Published: 2017 in Stem Cell Rev. Rep
DOI: 10.1007/s12015-016-9703-3

A local application of mesenchymal stem cells and cyclosporine A attenuates immune response by a switch in macrophage phenotype
Authors: Hajkova M , Javorkova E, Zajicova A, Trosan P, Holan VKrulova M.
Published: 2017 in J Tissue Eng Regen Med.
DOI: 10.1002/term.2044

Distinct Immunoregulatory Mechanisms in Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Role of the Cytokine Environment
Authors: Holan V, Hermankova B, Bohacova P, Kossl J, Chudickova M, Hajkova M, Krulova M,
Zajicova A, Javorkova E.
Published: 2016 in Stem Cell Rev. Rep.
DOI: 10.1007/s12015-016-9688-y

The Supportive Role of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I in the Differentiation of Murine Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Corneal-Like Cells
Authors: Trosan P, Javorkova E, Zajicova A, Hajkova M, Hermankova B, Kossl J, Krulova MHolan V. 
Published: 2016 in Stem Cells Dev
DOI: 10.1089/scd.2016.0030

Suppression of IL-10 production by activated B cells via a cell contact-dependent cyclooxygenase-2 pathway upregulated in IFN-γ-treated mesenchymal stem cells
Authors: Hermankova B, Zajicova A, Javorkova E, Chudickova M, Trosan P, Hajkova M, Krulova
Holan V.
Published: 2016 in Immunobiology
DOI: 10.1016/j.imbio.2015.09.017

Distinct cytokines balance the development of regulatory T cells and interleukin-10-producing regulatory B cells
Authors: Holan, V., Zajicova, A., Javorkova, E., Trosan, P., Chudickova, M., Pavlikova, M., Krulova, M.
Published: 2014 in Immunology
DOI: 10.1111/imm.12219

Modulation of the Early Inflammatory Microenvironment in the Alkali-Burned Eye by Systemically Administered Interferon-gamma-Treated Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
Authors: Javorkova, E., Trosan P., Zajicova A., Krulova M. Hajkova M., Holan V.
Published: 2014 in Stem Cells Dev
DOI: 10.1089/scd.2013.0568

A Low-Molecular-Weight Dialysable Leukocyte Extract Selectively Enhances Development of
CD4(+)ROR gamma t(+) T Cells and IL-17 Production

Authors: Zajicova, A. , Javorkova, E. ,Trosan, P. , Chudickova, M. , Krulova, M. , Holan, V. 
Published: 2014 in Folia Biologica

Common and small molecules as the ultimate regulatory and effector mediators of antigen-specific transplantation reactions
Authors: Holan, V., M. Krulova.
Published: 2013 in World J Transplant
DOI: 10.5500/wjt.v3.i4.54

Mesenchymal stem cells as an alternative source of stem cells for ocular surface regeneration
Authors: Holan, V., E. Javorkova, P. Trosan, M. Krulova, and A. Zajicova.
Published: 2013 in Acta Ophthalmologica
DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2013.S001.x

The role of mouse mesenchymal stem cells in differentiation of naive T-cells into anti-inflammatory regulatory T-cell or proinflammatory helper T-cell 17 population
Authors: Svobodova, E., M. Krulova, A. Zajicova, K. Pokorna, J. Prochazkova, P. Trosan, and V. Holan.
Published: 2012 in Stem Cells Dev
DOI: 10.1089/scd.2011.0157

The key role of insulin-like growth factor I in limbal stem cell differentiation and the corneal wound-
healing process

Authors: Trosan, P., E. Svobodova, M. Chudickova, M. Krulova, A. Zajicova, and V. Holan.
Published: 2012 in Stem Cells Dev
DOI: 10.1089/scd.2012.0180

Cyclosporine A-loaded and stem cell-seeded electrospun nanofibers for cell-based therapy and local immunosuppression
Authors: Holan, V., M. Chudickova, P. Trosan, E. Svobodova, M. Krulova, S. Kubinova, E. Sykova, J. Sirc,
J. Michalek, M. Juklickova, M. Munzarova, A. Zajicova.
Published: 2011 in J Control Release
DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2011.07.022

Graft survival and cytokine production profile after limbal transplantation in the experimental mouse model
Authors: Lencova, A., K. Pokorna, A. Zajicova, M. Krulova, M. Filipec, and V. Holan.
Published: 2011 in Transplant Immunol
DOI: 10.1016/j.trim.2010.11.005

Immunoregulatory Properties of Mouse Limbal Stem Cells
Authors: Holan, V., K. Pokorna, J. Prochazkova, M. Krulova, and A. Zajicova.
Published: 2010 in J Immunol
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.0903049

Loci controlling lymphocyte production of interferon gamma after alloantigen stimulation in vitro and their co-localization with genes controlling lymphocyte infiltration of tumors and tumor susceptibility
Authors: Lipoldova, M., H. Havelkova, J. Badalova, J. Vojtiskova, L. Quan, M. Krulova, Y. Sohrabi, A. P.
Stassen, and P. Demant.
Published: 2010 in Cancer Immunol Immun
DOI: 10.1007/s00262-009-0739-y

Treatment of Ocular Surface Injuries by Limbal and Mesenchymal Stem Cells Growing on Nanofiber Scaffolds
Authors: Zajicova, A., K. Pokorna, A. Lencova, M. Krulova, E. Svobodova, S. Kubinova, E. Sykova, M.
Pradny, J. Michalek, J. Svobodova, M. Munzarova, and V. Holan.
Published: 2010 in Cell Transplant
DOI: 10.3727/096368910X509040