Animal Models in Immunology (MB110C30A)
Part of the course will be devoted to the creation of mouse models and their use in the study of the immune system, or their use as models of human disease. Another part of the course will be devoted to naturally occurring or experimentally induced diseases in domestic animals that can serve as models in human medicine and, conversely, the use of small animal models suitable for the study of immune processes. In addition, an approach to the study of the immune response following parasite infection will be discussed.
The course will emphasize critical thinking about the topic, and after each lecture students will answer a question related to the topic presented.

Immunology – a practical course (MB151C15E)
The aim of the course is an introduction to basic immunological methods by active work in the laboratory.
Designed for those interested in immunological methodologies, suitable as a supplement to the Immunology lecture. Recommended to 2nd and 3rd year students that have compleated the practical course in Cell Biology and Histology. The subject is a four-day course.

Regulation Mechanisms of Immunity (MB150P13)
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate specific immune responses. The main emphasis will be on clarifying the role of immunoregulatory cells and their products – interleukins and other cytokines, which quantitatively and qualitatively determine the final manifestation of the immune response. The participants will gain an overview of how the immune response can be suppressed in a targeted and specific way in experiments or in clinical practice (after therapeutic transplants, in allergies or in various forms of cellular hypersensitivity) or how immunity can be enhanced (in cancer, infections and immunodeficiencies).