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The SDE/GWIS National Fellowships Program - for women - do 15. 1. 2015


The SDE/GWIS National Fellowships Program is proud to offer fellowships in 2014 to help increase knowledge in the fundamental sciences and to encourage research careers in the sciences by women. Endowment funds, mostly generated from bequests, provide the annual income that supports scientific research done by SDE/GWIS award winners. For the 2013-2014 funding cycle, we distributed over $70,000 in fellowships funds to fourteen deserving women scientists.

Applications for the 2015 Fellowship will be opening soon.  Awards will be announced on or before July 1, 2015 for funding in the 20145-2016 academic year. The SDE/GWIS National Council will determine exact fellowships amounts with the maximum allowable award being $10,000.





  • Awards will be made to women holding a degree from a recognized institution of higher learning, of outstanding ability and promise in research, who are performing research at any institution in the U.S. or abroad.
  • Career level (e.g. graduate student vs. assistant professor) of the candidate will be taken into consideration when reviewing the proposals.
  • Awards will be made irrespective of race, religion, nationality, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or age.
  • Active SDE/GWIS membership is encouraged at the time of and throughout the duration of funding. Membership must include both chapter and National dues.
  • Pay for your Fellowships Application Fee or GWIS membership for the Fellowships Application Process here.  - Coming soon
    (Note: Only those applying for the Fellowship should use this link; those seeking regular membership please view How to Join).



  • The Fellowships are to be known as the Sigma Delta Epsilon (SDE), Eloise Gerry, Ethel K. Allen, Vessa Notchev, Jean Langenheim, Monique Braude and Nell I. Mondy Fellowships. The highest scoring SDE Fellowships designee shall be known as the Adele Lewis Grant/SDE Fellowships winner and the second-highest scoring designee shall be known as the Hartley Corporation/SDE Fellowships Winner.
  • The funds available in any one year shall be the income from and contributions to the endowment accounts. The amount thus varies from year to year. The Fellowships Committee reserves the right to make no awards if no satisfactory applicants present themselves.




 vložila: Darina Koubínová

    • All recipients are encouraged to hold membership in SDE/GWIS. Click on this linkfor more information on how to become a member. The application processing fee is waived for GWIS members at the time of application (submitted by 11:59 pm, Eastern Standard Time, Jan. 15th, 2015). For non-members, the application fee is $50 at the time of submission.  This is required to offset costs associated with the application review.
    • The period of the award shall be one academic year (July 1st to June 30th). Recipients are not eligible for awards in subsequent years, though they may submit applications that include a significantly different proposal/project than the one for which they received a GWIS Fellowship award previously.
    • The recipient of an award will submit an abstract of 100 words or less along with a recent  photo of themselves (.jpg file) to SDE/GWIS Bulletin editor, Melanie McEwen (mlmcewen00@yahoo.com) as soon as the awards are announced. This will be used for publication purposes in the national SDE/GWIS quarterly publication The Bulletin and on the SDE/GWIS website. 
    • The recipient of the award will be expected to follow the main outline of the original proposal. If a major deviation from it is essential, approval must be obtained from the Fellowships Committee.
    • All of the work in the proposal must be conducted by the PI of the grant. The fellowships applicant will be the one conducting the work, rather than using the award to support someone conducting work for them (e.g. the funds may not be used by a professor to support a graduate student).
    • Fellowships funds may be used for such things as expendable supplies, small equipment to be used by the recipient (not for general use), publication of research findings, travel and subsistence while performing field studies, or travel to another laboratory for collaborative research. These costs must be clearly justified in the proposal and integral to the research design. Funds cannot be used for the following: tuition, child care, travel to professional meetings or to begin a new appointment, travel to another institution for coursework, living allowances or equipment of general use.
    • maximum of $10,000 may be requested – any proposals requesting over $10,000 will be disqualified.
    • Supplementary Documentation may be required:
      • If human or animal subjects are used, an in-house animal subjects committee must evaluate the work, and an approval from the committee must be included in the application. If approval is pending at the time of application, documentation of approval must be provided to the Fellowships Committee before an award will be made.
      • Research involving field collections must show evidence of the proper collecting permits. If approval is pending at the time of application, documentation of approval must be provided to the Fellowships Committee before an award will be made.
      • Research involving cooperation with scientists from other sites/laboratories must include evidence of this collaboration (i.e. a letter from the host scientist).
    • If for any reason the recipient is unable to initiate or complete the project, unexpended funds shall be returned to SDE/GWIS.
    • At the end of the Fellowship, a one-page progress report, plus the annual expense report must be sent to SDE/GWIS Executive Director, Dee McManus. The fellowships winner’s supervisor must sign both documents, and Ms. McManus must receive it by May 15th, 2015. Any abstracts or reprints resulting from the proposed work must accompany the progress report. Please send both documents to gwised@mac.com. If the research extends beyond one year, submission of an annual progress report acceptable to the Fellowships Committee is required.
    • Acknowledgement of support from an award is requested in pertinent publications, oral presentations and on the awardees’ curriculum vitae.



    Applications for the 2015 Fellowship will open soon.  The awards will be announced on or before July 1, 2015.

    Note: Applicants may only submit one proposal in a given year.
    SDE/GWIS Fellowships Coordinator:

  • Julie Nemecek
    Email: gwisfellowships@gmail.com

Publikováno: Pondělí 27.10.2014 20:10

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