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Jiří Žák


Address: Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Albertov 6, Prague, 12843, Czech Republic

Office: P16D

Email: jirizak@natur.cuni.cz | jiri.zak@natur.cuni.cz

Phone: +420221951475

Research group website: Continental Tectonics Group

CV & Professional Career

1976 Born in Plzeň (Pilsen), the Capital of Beer

1997 Bc. in Geological Sciences, Charles University

1998/1999 Undergraduate fellowship, Royal School of Mines, Imperial College, London, UK

2000 Graduated from Charles University in Petrology and Structural Geology

2004 Ph.D. in Geological Sciences, Charles University

2004/2011 Research Geologist, Czech Geological Survey, Prague (part time)

Since 2015 Professor of Geology, Charles University

2016/2020 Head of the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Science, Charles University

2020/2024 Vice Dean for Geology, Faculty of Science, Charles University

Research Interests

Physical Geology | Tectonics | Rock magnetism | Magmatic processes | Detrital zircon geochronology


GoogleScholar | ORCID | ResearcherID | ScopusID | ResearchGate 

Supervising Ph.D. theses

Tatiana Tkáčiková (in progress) Exploring the link between tectonic deformation and provenance signal at active plate margins

Reza Syahputra (2023) Mechanisms and time scales of formation of ribbon continents

Filip Tomek (2015) Magnetic fabric, magma flow and tectonic deformation in volcano-plutonic systems

Jaroslava Hajná (2012) Tectonic evolution of the central part of the Teplá-Barrandian unit


MG421P00 Physical Geology I | MG421P47 Introduction to Physical Geology | MG420P05 Dynamic Earth: outstanding issues of modern geologyMG421T04 Geologic field trips | MG421T02G Field course in Physical Geology 

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