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Mgr. Kateřina Jandová, Ph.D.

Stabilní izotopy lehkých prvků a radiouhlík v environmentálních vědách, biogeochemii a ekologii ekosystémů. Analýzy půdních živin a mikrobiálních biomarkerů (ergosterol, PLFA/NLFA, aminocukry). Kořenové exudáty a rhizosféra. Sekundární metabolity rostlin, alelopatie a jejich význam v dynamice invazí. Metabolomické analýzy a mnohorozměrné regrese (chemometrie).

E-mail: katerina.jandova@natur.cuni.cz


Telefon: 221 95 1898


Benátská 2, domeček 1. patro

Albertov 6, Centrum výzkumu izotopů

Laboratoř environmentální chemie a analýz půd

Center for Geosphere Dynamics

Centrum environmentálních forenzních věd

I am a stable isotope specialist with a focus on soil ecology and biogeochemistry, but I enjoy studying ecosystem processes in general and use isotopes across a wide range of topics.



Journal Club in Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry (MO550S15)

Stable isotopes in ecology, environmental sciences and forensic analysis - MO550P133

Stabilní izotopy v ekologii, environmentálních vědách a forenzní analýze (MO550P129)

Praktikum z environmentální chemie (MO550C07)

Modern Methods in Soil Biology (MO550P33)

Seminář k DP I a II (MO550S10A, MO550S10B, MO550S11A, MO550S11B)


Nabízím bakalářské a magisterské práce, rešeršní i experimentální, z několika okruhů témat. Neváhejte mě kontaktovat pro podrobnější informace či diskuzi nad vaší představou o spolupráci.

1) vliv invazních rostlin na ekosystémové funkce

2) úloha fenolických látek v interakcích rostlin a půdy

3) metabolické složení kořenových exudátů a jeho vztah k ekologické funkci

4) využití stabilních izotopů lehkých prvků a radiouhlíku ke studiu koloběhu živin a ve forenzních analýzách

Některá témata jsou již vypsaná v SISu.



ORCID 0000-0002-3166-9175

SCOPUS AUTHOR ID: 57221726451


Nagy, D.U., Thoma, A.E., Al-Gharaibeh, M., Callaway, R.M., Flory, S.L., Frazee, L.J., Hartmann, M., Hensen, I., Jandová, K., Khasa, D.P., Lekberg, Y., Pal, R.W., Samartza, I., Shah, M.A., Sheng, M., Slate, M., Stein, C., Tsunoda, T. and Rosche, C. (2024). Among-population variation in drought responses is consistent across life stages but not between native and non-native ranges. New Phytologist https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19895

Frouz, J., Jandová✉️, K. (2023). Soluble phenols in litter are reduced during passage through the soil macrofauna gut due to the formation of insoluble complexes with proteins: A case study with isopods and Diptera larvae. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 187, 109191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109191

Yang, S., Angst, G., Jandová, K., Kukla, J., Meador, T.B., Paterson, E., Jílková, V. (2023). Early- and later-stage priming effects induced by spruce root fractions are regulated by substrate availability, stoichiometry and C input. Geoderma, 437, 116610. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116610

Skálová, H., Jandová, K., Balšánková, T., Hadincová, V., Krahulec, F., Pecháčková, S., Krak, K., & Herben, T. (2023). Cations make a difference: Soil nutrient patches and fine-scale root abundance of individual species in a mountain grassland. Functional Ecology, 37, 915–928. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14277

Horká, P., Musilová, Z., Holubová, K., Jandová, K., Kukla, J., Rutkayová, J., & Jones, J. I. (2023). Anthropogenic nutrient loading affects both individual species and the trophic structure of river fish communities. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 1297. https://doi.org/10.3389/FEVO.2022.1076451

Treml, V., Tumajer, J., Jandová, K., Oulehle, F., Rydval, M., Čada, V., Treydte, K., Mašek, J., Vondrovicová, L., Lhotáková, Z., Svoboda, M. (2022) Increasing water-use efficiency mediates effects of atmospheric carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen on growth variability of central European conifers. Science of the Total Environment, 838, 156483. DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156483

Semerád, J., Horká, P., Filipová, A., Kukla, J., Holubová, K., Musilová, Z., Jandová, K., Frouz, J., Cajthaml, T. (2022) The driving factors of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substance (PFAS) accumulation in selected fish species: The influence of position in river continuum, fish feed composition, and pollutant properties. Science of The Total Environment, 816, 151662. DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151662

Jílková, V., Jandová✉️, K., Cajthaml, T., Kukla, J., Jansa, J. (2022) Differences in the flow of spruce-derived needle leachates and root exudates through a temperate coniferous forest mineral topsoil. Geoderma, 405, 115441. DOI 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115441

Jílková, V., Jandová✉️, K., Kukla, J., Cajthaml, T. (2021) Soil Organic Carbon Content Decreases in Both Surface and Subsoil Mineral Horizons by Simulated Future Increases in Labile Carbon Inputs in a Temperate Coniferous Forest. Ecosystems, 24, 2028–2041. DOI 10.1007/s10021-021-00632-w

Jílková, V., Jandová, K., Kukla, J. (2021) Responses of microbial activity to carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus additions in forest mineral soils differing in organic carbon content. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57, 513–521. DOI 10.1007/s00374-021-01545-5

Hunova, I., Hanuskova, D., Jandova, K., Tesar, M., Kveton, J., Kukla, J. (2020) Estimates of the contribution of fog water to wet atmospheric deposition in Czech mountain forests based on its stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition: Preliminary results. European Journal of Environmental Sciences, 10 (2), 89-97. DOI 10.14712/23361964.2020.10

Jilkova, V., Sim, A., Thornton, B.,  Jandova, K., Cajthaml, T., Paterson, E. (2020) Impact of plant species and atmospheric CO2 concentration on rhizodeposition and soil microbial activity and community composition. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 183, 327–337. DOI 10.1002/jpln.201900415

Jilkova, V., Jandova, K., Cajthaml, T., Devetter, M., Kukla, J., Stary, J., Vacirova, A., (2020) Organic matter decomposition and carbon content in soil fractions as affected by a gradient of labile carbon input to a temperate forest soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 56, 411-421.DOI 10.1007/s00374-020-01433-4

Jilkova, V., Jandova, K., Vacirova, A., Kukla, J. (2020) Gradients of labile carbon inputs into the soil surrounding wood ant nests in a temperate forest. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 56, 69-79. DOI 10.1007/s00374-019-01402-6

Jilkova, V., Jandova, K., Sim, A., Thornton, B., Paterson, E. (2019) Soil organic matter decomposition and carbon sequestration in temperate coniferous forest soils affected by soluble and insoluble spruce needle fractions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 107595. DOI 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107595

Kotas, P., Edwards, K., Jandova, K., Kastovska, E. (2019) Interaction of fertilization and soil water status determine C partitioning in a sedge wetland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 135, 85-94. DOI 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.03.031

Brezina, S., Jandova, K., Pechackova, S., Hadincova, V., Skalova, H., Krahulec, F., Herben, T. (2019) Nutrient patches are transient and unpredictable in an unproductive mountain grassland. Plant Ecology, 220, 111-123. DOI 10.1007/s11258-019-00906-3

Vinduskova, O., Jandova, K., Frouz, J. (2019) Improved method for removing siderite by in situ acidification before elemental and isotope analysis of soil organic carbon. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 182, 82-91. DOI 10.1002/jpln.201800164

Hartmann, M., Jandova, K., Chrtek, J., Stefanek, M., Mraz, P. (2018) Effects of latitudinal and elevational gradients exceed the effects of between-cytotype differences in eco-physiological leaf traits in diploid and triploid Hieracium alpinumAlpine Botany, 128, 133–147. DOI 10.1007/s00035-018-0210-9

Jandová✉️, K., Dostál, P., Cajthaml, T., Kameník, Z. (2015) Intraspecific variability in allelopathy of Heracleum mantegazzianum is linked to the metabolic profile of root exudates. Annals of Botany, 115, 821-831. DOI 10.1093/aob/mcu265

Jandová✉️, K., Dostál, P., Cajthaml, T. (2015) Searching for Heracleum mantegazzianum allelopathy in vitro and in a garden experiment. Biological Invasions, 17, 987-1003. DOI 10.1007/s10530-014-0771-5

Jandová✉️, K., Klinerová, T., Müllerová, J., Pyšek, P., Pergl, J., Cajthaml, T., & Dostál, P. (2014). Long-term impact of Heracleum mantegazzianum invasion on soil chemical and biological characteristics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry68, 270–278. DOI 10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.10.014

Peckova K., Jandova K., Maixnerova L., Swain G.M., Barek J. (2009). Amperometric Determination of Aminobiphenyls Using HPLC-ED with Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode. ELECTROANALYSIS 21: 316-324.

Barek J., Jandova K., Peckova K., Zima J. (2007). Voltammetric determination of aminobiphenyls at a boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond film electrode. TALANTA 74: 421-426.

Conference contributions

Jandová, K., Kukla, J., Trubač, J., Rajmonová, E., Frouzová, J., Kufnerová, J. (2023) Developing a method based on stable isotope analysis of shed skins of green tree pythons applicable in wildlife forensics. 14C and Diet, held 20-23 June 2023 in Oxford, UK. Poster.

Jandová K, Vindušková O, Hyodo F, Moradi J, Schwab Lavric V, Trumbore S, Frouz J (2022) Geogenic organic carbon and nitrogen from sedimentary rocks feed the modern decomposer food web. Book of Proceedings 2nd meeting of the Czech Society for Stable Isotopes (ČSSI 2022), held 14-16 December 2022 in České Budějovice, ČR. ISBN: 978-80-7444-098-4. Oral.

Jandová, K., Kukla, J., Trubač, J., Rajmonová, E., Frouzová, J., Kufnerová, J. (2022) Wild or captive bred? Stable isotope analysis of shed skins of green tree pythons as forensic evidence for prohibited trade. Joint European Stable Isotope Users group Meeting JESIUM 2022, held 10-14 October 2022 in Kuopio, Finland. Poster.

Jandova, K., Vinduskova, O., Hyodo, F., Moradi, J., Schwab-Lavric, V., Trumbore, S., Frouz, J. (2020) Geogenic organic matter sustains soil organisms at post mining sites as revealed by isotope analyses. Czech Society for Stable Isotopes 2020 meeting, held remotedly 10-11 December 2020 in České Budějovice, ČR. Poster.

Jandova, K., Vinduskova, O., Frouz, J., Schwab-Lavric, V., Trumbore, S. (2018) Ancient yet tasty – 14C-free sedimentary organic matter is a significant substrate for microorganisms. EGU General Assembly 2018, held 8-13 April 2018 in Vienna, Austria. Vol. 20 id.1284. Poster.

Vinduskova, O., Jandova, K., Frouz, J. (2018) Fossil organic matter in heaped overburden of Sokolov post-mining sites: What do we know and what would we like to know. EGU General Assembly 2018, held 8-13 April 2018 in Vienna, Austria. Vol. 20 id.14560. Poster.

Jilkova, V., Jandova, K., Sim, A., Paterson, E. (2018) Priming effect of labile and recalcitrant litter carbon on the decomposition of temperate coniferous forest soils. EGU General Assembly 2018, held 8-13 April 2018 in Vienna, Austria. Vol. 20 id.6472. Poster.

Jandova, K., Jilkova, V., Kukla, J., Vacířová, A., Rauch, O. (2017) Horizontal and vertical spatial variability in soil nutrients as a result of wood ants’ activity. BES Annual Meeting, held 11-14 December 2017 in Ghent, Belgium. Poster.

Jandova, K., Hyodo, F., Vinduskova, O., Moradi, J., Frouz, J. (2017) The role of fossil organic matter in the ecosystem development of post-mining sites revealed by isotope analyses. EGU General Assembly 2017, held 23-28 April 2017 in Vienna, Austria. Vol. 19 id.1546. Oral.

Gargiulo, L., Mele, G., Moradi, J., Kukla, J., Jandova, K., Frouz, J. (2016) Contribution of soil fauna to soil functioning in degraded environments: a multidisciplinary approach. EGU General Assembly 2016, held 17-22 April 2016 in Vienna, Austria. Vol. 18 id.13712-1. Poster.

Jandova, K., Dostal, P., Cajthaml, T., Kamenik, Z. (2014) Intraspecific variability in allelopathy of H. mantegazzianum is linked to metabolic profile. Book of Proceedings 7th World Congress on Allelopathy, 28th July - 1st August 2014, Vigo, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-8158-647-3. Oral.

Jandova, K., Klinerova, T., Mullerova, J., Pysek, P., Pergl, J., Cajthaml, T., Dostal, P. (2013) Long-term impact of Heracleum mantegazzianum invasion on soil chemical and biological characteristics. 14th Soil Ecology Society Conference, 11-15 June 2013, Rutgers, Camden, USA. Oral.

Jandova, K., Dostal, P., Cajthaml, T. (2012) The role of allelopathy in Heracleum mantegazzianum invasion. NEOBIOTA 2012: Halting Biological Invasions in Europe: from Data to Decisions 7th European Conference on Biological Invasions, 12-14 September 2012, Pontevedra, Spain. Poster.

International courses

Training Course on Data Quality Assurance in Stable Isotope Laboratories organised by F. Camin, 22 - 24 November 2022, IAEA, Vienna, Austria

Radiocarbon in the Earth System organised by C. A. Sierra and S. E. Trumbore, 24 - 29 September 2017, MPI Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany

Course on stable isotope mixing models using SIAR, MixSIAR and SIBER (SIMM03) by A. Parnell and A. Jackson, February 29 - March 3 2017, PR Statistics, UK

Spring School on Stable Isotopes in Environmental Sciences, Ecology and Physiology, 7 - 13 April 2014, Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Grünlandlehre and University of South Bohemia, Department of Photosynthesis

ICE-12: The 12th International Course in Chemical Ecology, November 26 - December 7 2012, Max Planck Institute For Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany

Research Grants:

GAČR 17-08717S Dekompozice organické hmoty a sekvestrace uhlíku na přirozeném gradientu zdrojů labilního uhlíku v půdách temperátních jehličnatých lesů (2017 - 2019; Spolunavrhovatel)

GAUK 512712 Sekundární metabolity a invazní dynamika - význam fytotoxicity Heracleum mantegazzianum (2012 - 2013; Hlavní řešitel)


August, 2022: Isolab, Schweitenkirchen, Germany, dr. Andreas Rossmann and Ludwig -Maximilan Universität München, Munich, Germany, dr. Christine Lehn

April, 2018: James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, dr. Barry Thornton

August to October, 2017: MPI Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany, dr. Susan Trumbore

February, 2016: Research Core for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan, dr. Fujio Hyodo

May to October, 2010: Environment Agency of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland

January to March, 2005: Faculty of Pharmacy, Bologna University, Italy 


Fulbright-Masaryk Scholar Award (2024)

EGU Early Career Scientist's Travel Support (2018)

DAAD Scholarship for Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists (2017)

EGU Early Career Scientist's Travel Support (2017)

Travel grant of Nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdeňky Hlávkových Foundation (2014)

Parkinson Travel Award of the Soil Ecology Society (2013)

Academic services:

2024 - onwards Member of the Staff Chamber of Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science, Charles University

2023 - onwards Member of the Expert Panels and Evaluators of the Research, Development, and Innovation Council of the Czech Republic

2022 co-organising the 2nd meeting of the Czech Society for Stable Isotopes (ČSSI 2022), held 14-16 December 2022 in České Budějovice, ČR https://sites.google.com/view/czisotopes/events?pli=1

2015 – 2021 member of the Charles University Grant Agency (GA UK) Department Board

2014 – 2015 participation on the MEYS project IPN Metodika dedicated to developing a new effective system of evaluation of research and innovations

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