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BILAT-UKR*AINA project opens H2020 travel grant scheme

Pokud chystáte projekt H2020 s kolegy z Ukrajiny


A project funded by the Seventh framework Programme has announced a competition to fund the travel expenses of Ukrainian researchers to assist their participation in applying for Horizon 2020 funding.

The ‘Enhancing the BILATeral S&T Partnership with UKRraine * Advanced INnovative Approach’, or BILAT-UKR*AINA, project will award ten grants of up to €650 to help cover the costs of air travel and hotel accommodation. The grants will enable the country’s researchers to help in the formation of project proposals when applying for R&I framework funding.

The travel grants are being awarded in the support of project proposals in four particular research areas, namely ‘New materials and processing technologies’, ‘ICT’, ‘Biotechnologies’ and ‘Aeronautics’, though applications will be accepted in other fields.

More information on the BILAT-UKR*AINA scheme can be found here. The announcement of the travel grants follows the news last week that Ukraine has signed an association agreement with the European Commission to participate in Horizon 2020.


vložila: Darina Koubínová

Publikováno: Úterý 14.04.2015 12:30

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