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PhD thesis defense: Pengfei Xin

The defense of the Ph.D. thesis of Pengfei Xin, a student of the English doctoral study program in Experimental Plant Biology, takes place in the Department of Experimental Plant Biology on 27 October, 10:30 in the KFR seminar room, Viničná 5.
Čas 27.10.2023
od 10:30 do 13:00
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The defense of the Ph.D. thesis of Pengfei Xin, a student of the English doctoral study program in Experimental Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, takes place in the Department of Experimental Plant Biology on27 October, 10:30 in the KFR seminar room, Viničná 5, 2nd floor, Prague, Czech Republic. It is possible to follow the defense online:  meet.google.com/iyv-ikjh-vky   You are cordially welcome to participate!



  The root system performs fundamental plant functions such as uptake of nutrients and water, anchoring in the substrate, and interacting with the rhizosphere abiotic and biotic interactions, playing an important role in meeting the food security needs of today's world. Lateral roots (LR) are essential components of the plant root system. We have identified the TETRATRICOPEPTIDE-REPEAT THIOREDOXINLIKE 3 (TTL3) gene as being related to LR emergence and later development. Loss-of-function of TTL3 results in a reduced number of emerging LRs due to delayed development of lateral root primordia (LRP). In the Arabidopsis TTL gene family, except for TTL2 which was specifically involved in male gametophyte development, the expressions of the other three TTLs (TTL1, TTL3 and TTL4) were all related to root growth and development. The temporal and spatial distribution of TTL3 expression was consistent with its role in LR growth preceding and following LRP emergence. In the subcellular localization of TTL1, TTL2 and TTL3, all were shown to be associated with microtubules during the transient transformation of tobacco leaves, and TTL3 was confirmed to interact with microtubules. TTL3 was also associated with the endomembrane system and was known to be interacting with the brassinosteroid (BR) signaling pathway. The ttl3 and ttl1ttl3ttl4 mutants were less sensitive to BR treatment in terms of LR formation and primary root growth. The ability of TTLs to modulate cell wall biophysical properties is established under constraints of hyperosmotic stress and loss of root growth recovery, which is enhanced in ttl1ttl3ttl4. In addition, the ttl1ttl3ttl4 mutant also affected the activity of meristems with short meristem length and low number of dividing cells. In the search for interacting proteins of TTL3, vesicle formation-associated proteins, tubulin, and cell wallassociated proteins were the most prominent. Therefore, we demonstrate that TTL proteins represent an important component of the regulatory network of root morphogenesis.

Publikováno: Pátek 20.10.2023 15:10

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