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Centre for Demographic Analysis, Models, and Methods

Basic Info


Main research directions and objectives

  • mortality, morbidity, and health – from the analytical, descriptive, as well as methodological perspectives; 

  • convergence of reproductive behavior and methods of its analysis; 

  • analysis of premature mortallity, deaths of despair, population aging and its consequences

  • analytical and formal issues.


Group members


Description of the centre

The research centre is of an inter-university nature (collaboration with the University of Economics). Faculty members of the team are involved in the SYRI research project and, among other things, are involved in the building of the Map Portal UNCE. Intensive collaboration is taking place especially with the GeoQol Centre (Centre for health inequalities research).

In the period 2020–2021, team members have been involved in research on the COVID-19 disease pandemic. Three fellowships have been carried out in the framework of the project "COVID-19: Demographic applications in SAS", and selected data and statistics were used by the media and professional communities concerned with pandemic issues.

In addition to pandemic research, the work focuses on the analysis of mortality factors, especially at the level of chronic and degenerative causes of death. Socio-economic factors or the possible impact of screening programmes are examined. One of the research questions is devoted to the analysis of convergence trends in reproductive behaviour with a focus on mortality in the post-socialist space. A PhD thesis on this topic is currently being conducted within the research centre.

One of the important outputs of the members of the Centre was the reconstruction of generational and transversal mortality data and mortality tables back to 1870, following the inter-university project of the Czech Academy of Sciences "Generational mortality tables of the Czech Republic: data, biometric functions and trends" (investigator prof. Rychtaříková). Research in this area continues, both by reconstructing detailed mortality data and by generational mortality analysis.

Members of the team are involved in clinical epidemiological research at the Motol Hospital in Prague and St. Anne's Hospital in Brno. The use of demographic and statistical approaches in the analysis of medical data opens up potential opportunities for improving the quality of care provided, but also for enriching demographic research itself, especially in the methodological area.

The Centre incorporates the organisational base of the Health, Morbidity, and Mortality Working Group of the European Association of Population Studies, which holds regular meetings across Europe (https://hmmwg.vse.cz/). 

Members of the Centre also participate in events and seminars for the public or schools (e.g. Junior Charles University, regular meetings with geography teachers, Science festivals etc.). A separate component of the Centre's activities is the preparation of materials for the public and for teaching in primary and secondary schools. A website for schools and the public is available for this purpose (in Czech only). 


International collaboration

  • Project (leader Tim Riffe) PID2022-142762OA-I00 „Multidimensional Social Inequalities as Demographic Determinants: Mortality Inequalities, Excess Mortality, and Working Life Expectancy (WorkDeathIneq)“, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain (1. 9. 2023–31. 8. 2027)
  • Members of the Centre (Klára Hulíková, Petr Mazouch) are members of the steering comitee of the Health, Morbidity, and Mortality Working Group of the European Association of Population Studies

Are you interested in cooperation?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We have a broad focus of the existing team and always new ideas :-)


Publications with participation of member of the Centre


  • Hulíková Tesárková, K., Dzúrová, D. Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic through decomposition of life expectancy according to leading causes and place of death in Czechia. Sci Rep 13, 20731 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-47949-1 [IF = 4.6, Q2]
  • Veselka J, Liebregts M, Cooper R, Faber L, Januska J, Hulikova Tesarkova K, Riis Hansen P, Seggewiss H, Hansvenclova E, Bonaventura J, Vejtasova V, ten Berg J, Hilton Stables R, Jensovsky M. Outcomes of Alcohol Septal Ablation in Patients with Severe Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis. Canadian Journal of  Cardiology.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjca.2023.06.417 [IF = 7.200, Q1]
  • Kulhánová, I., Lustigová, M., Drbohlav, D. et al. Determinants of self-rated health among highly educated Ukrainian women refugees in Czechia: analysis based on cross-sectional study in 2022. BMC Women's Health 24, 206 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12905-024-03053-8


  • Hulíková Tesárková K, Dzúrová D. 2022. COVID-19: years of life lost (YLL) and saved (YLS) as an expression of the role of vaccination. Nature: Scientific Reports. 12, 18129. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-23023-0. [IF = 4.997Q2]
  • Veselka J, Liebregts M, Cooper R, Faber L, Januska J, Kashtanov M, HulikovaTesarkova K, Riis Hansen P, Seggewiss H, Shloydo E, Popov K, Hansvenclovaa E, Polakova E, Berg J, Hilton Stables R, Jarkovsky J, BonaventuraJ. Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Arrest After Alcohol Septal Ablation for Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: ASA-SCARRE Risk Score. 

    The American Journal of Cardiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amjcard.2022.08.028 [IF = 3.133Q2 in CARDIAC & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS]

  • Hulíková Tesárková K, Klečacký M, Velková A. The Rise of Administrative Elites: The Influence of Social Background and Nationality on Attaining the Position of District Capitan in Bohemia in 1875 and 1910. In: Pál P, Popovici V, Sorescu-Iudean O. (eds.). Elites, Groups, and Networks in East-Central and South-East Europe in the Long 19th Century. Brill, 2022, p. 57–88. ISBN: 978-3-506-79521-2, doi: 0.30965/9783657795215_004.  [book chapter]

  • Veselka J, Liebregts M, Cooper R, et al. Outcomes of Patients With Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy and Pacemaker Implanted After Alcohol Septal Ablation. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. 2022, 0 (0). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcin.2022.06.034 [IF = 11.075Q1 in CARDIAC & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS]
  • Štěchovský C., Hulíková Tesárková K., Hájek P., Horváth M., Hansvenclová E., Veselka J. 2022. Comparison of 30-Day Outcomes after Carotid Artery Stenting in Patients with Near-Occlusion and Severe Stenosis: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis. American Journal of Neuroradiology. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A7598 [IF = 4.966Q1 in Medicine (miscellaneous), Neurology (clinical) and Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging]
  • Dzúrová, D., Hulíková Tesárková, K., Netrdová, P., Brůha, L. 2022. The Way from the Leading Position to the Last: Geo-demographic Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Czechia. In: Brunn, S.D., Gilbreath, D. (eds) COVID-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94350-9_50. [book chapter]


  • Hulíková Tesárková K., Dzúrová D. 2021. The age structure of cases as the key of COVID-19 severity: Longitudinal population-based analysis of European countries during 150 days. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 50(6):738-747. doi: 10.1177/14034948211042486. [IF = 3.119, Q2 in Public, environmental & occupational health]
  • Lustigová M, Altová A, Kulhánová I. Odhad vlivu konzumace alkoholu na úmrtnost na zhoubné novotvary v české populaci v roce 2018. [Effect of alcohol consumption on cancer mortality in Czechia in 2018]. Psychiatrie. 2021;25(2):56-60. (Scopus)
  • Altová A, Kulhánová I, Brůha L, Lustigová M. Breast and cervical cancer screening attendance among Czech women. Central European Journal of Public Health. 2021;29(2): 90-95 (IF = 1.154)
  • Hulíková Tesárková K., Vondrášek M., Březinová M. 2021. Přijdou další epidemie? Geografické rozhledy, 31(1), 16–19. https://www.geograficke-rozhledy.cz/archiv/157
  • Hulíková Tesárková K., Dzúrová D. 2021. Pandemie covidu-19: rozdílné dopady podle věku. Geografické rozhledy, 31(1), 8–11. https://www.geograficke-rozhledy.cz/archiv/157

  • Dzúrová D., Hulíková Tesárková K. 2021. Úmrtí v souvislosti s covidem-19 za rok 2020 je o 50 procent častější, než se vykazovalo. Tempus Medicorum, 2021, 7–8, 30–33. 

  • Hulíková Tesárková K., Dzúrová D. 2021. Covid-19: co zatím přinesl rok 2021. Tempus Medicorum, 2021, 5, 20–23. 

  • Hulíková Tesárková K., Dzúrová D. 2021. Naděje dožití před pandemií a během pandemie v Česku. Tempus Medicorum, 2021, 1, 12–13. 








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