Thursday 5.12.2024 Scholarships Based on International Agreements Scholarships based on bilateral international agreements are offered to students and academic staff of public universities in the Czech Republic. Scholarships Based on Bilateral International Agreements Scholarships based on bilateral international agreements are offered to students and academic staff of public universities in the Czech Republic. Due to the implementation of electronic registration, applicants must complete their applications, including the following supporting documents, online at the specified website Studuj na VŠ: Motivation Letter Grade Point Average (GPA) Deadlines for Applicants from Charles University – Quota Breakdown: By December 1, 2024: China By December 8, 2024: Egypt By January 31, 2025: Croatia, North Macedonia, Slovenia By February 23, 2025: Slovakia Afterward, faculty international offices will submit ranked nominations through ESS to the Rectorate of Charles University, specifically to the Department of International Relations. They will also approve applicants on the Studuj na VŠ website by the following deadlines: By December 3, 2024: China By December 16, 2024: Egypt By February 7, 2025: Croatia, North Macedonia, Slovenia By February 28, 2025: Slovakia Note: Travel expenses for summer schools in Croatia and Slovenia are not reimbursed by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MŠMT).