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Laboratory of Immunoregulation

Group leader: Doc. RNDr. Magdaléna Krulová, Ph.D.

Web pages of the research group: https://web.natur.cuni.cz/cellbiol/krulovalab/

The research of the laboratory is focused on the study of cellular and molecular mechanisms of specific immunity. Laboratory animals (skin and corneal transplantation, immunoregulation in vivo), tissue cultures (study of cooperation among cells of the immune system) and the techniques of molecular biology (regulation of gene expression, characterization of the functions of signalling molecules, etc.) are used as basic models. The research is also focused on the study of stem cells and their use in regenerative medicine. The final aim of this research is a recognition of molecular and cellular mechanisms of specific immunity and the use of this knowledge for the targetted immunorgulation in expeimental work and in clinical practise.


To see contacts and team composition click here: Contacts of Laboratory of Immunoregulation

Publications (2009-2013):

To see publications click here: Publications of Laboratory of Immunoregulation

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