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Prof. Ing. Mgr. Jan Frouz, CSc.

Zástupce ředitele ústavu. Zabýváme se ekosystémovou ekologií, zejména pak rolí půd v chování ekosystémů, obnovou půd včetně obnovy půd na těžce poškozených lokalitách, obnovou výsypek a vlivem zemědělství a lesnictví na půdy. Dále ekologií půdních organismů, rolí půdních organismů v tvorbě půd a koloběhu živin, ekologií mravenců.

wwwhttp://www.up b.cas.cz/?…

wwwhttp://frouz.wz .cz

www: https://soilwater.eu/people/frouz-jan/

A Filed editor of Land degradation and development: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1099145x

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Vybrané publikace:

Frouz, J. 2017. Effects of soil development time and litter quality on soil carbon sequestration: assessing soil carbon saturation with a field transplant experiment along a post-mining chronosequence. Land Degradation and Development, 28: 664-672.

Tesnerová, C., Zadinová, R., Pikl, M., Zemek, F., Kadochová, Š., Matějíček, L., Mihaljevič, M., Frouz, J. 2017. Predicting the toxicity of post-mining substrates, a case study based on laboratory tests, substrate chemistry, geographic information systems and remote sensing. Ecological Engineering, 100: 56-62.

Jósefowska, A., Pietrzykowski, M., Wos, B., Cajthaml, T., Frouz, J. 2017. The effects of tree species and substrate on carbon sequestration and chemical and biological properties in reforested post-mining soils. Geoderma, 292: 9-16.

Angst, Š., Cajthaml, T., Angst, G., Šimáčková, H., Brus, J., Frouz, J. 2017. Retention of dead standing plant biomass (marcescence) increases subsequent litter decomposition in the soil organic layer. Plant and Soil, 418: 571-579.

Frouz, J., Mudrák, O., Reitschmiedová, E., Walmsley, A., Váchová, P., Šimáčková, H., Albrechtová, J., Moradi, J., Kučera, J. 2018. Rough wave-like heaped overburden promotes establishment of woody vegetation while leveling promotes grasses during unassisted post mining site development. Journal of Environmental Management, 205: 50-58.

Mudrák, O., Frouz, J. 2018. Earthworms increase plant biomass more in soil with no earthworm legacy than in earthworm-mediated soil, and favour late successional species in competition. Functional Ecology, 32: 626-635.

Van der Bij, A.U., Weijters, M.J., Bobbink, R., Harris, J.A., Pawlett, M., Ritz, K., Benetková, P., Moradi, J., Frouz, J., van Diggelen, R. 2018. Facilitating ecosystem assembly: Plant-soil interactions as a restoration tool. Biological Conservation, 220: 272-279.

Frouz, J., Bujalský, L. 2018. Flow of CO2 from soil may not correspond with CO2 concentration in soil. Scientific Reports 8: 10099.

Angst, Š., Baldrian, P., Harantová, L., Cajthaml, T., Frouz, J. 2018. Different twig litter (Salix caprea) diameter does affect microbial community activity and composition but not decay rate. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94: fiy126.

Frouz, J. 2018. Effects of soil macro- and mesofauna on litter decomposition and soil organic matter stabilization. Geoderma, 332: 161-172.

Angst, G., Nierop, K.G.J., Angst, Š., Frouz, J. 2018. Abundance of lipids in differently sized aggregates depends on their chemical composition. Biogeochemistry, 140: 111-125.

Veselá, H., Mudrák, O., Frouz, J. 2018. The role of dead standing biomass of Calamagrostis epigejos in nutrient turnover during spontaneous succession. Science of the Total Environment, 644: 717-724.

Kukla, J., Whitfeld, T., Cajthaml, T., Baldrian, P., Veselá – Šimáčková, H., Novotný, V., Frouz, J. 2018. The effect of traditional slash-and-burn agriculture on soil organic matter, nutrient content and microbiota in tropical ecosystems of Papua New Guinea. Land Degradation and Development, 1-12.

Heděnec, P., Jílková, V., Lin, Q., Cajthaml, T., Filipova, A., Baldrian, P., Větrovský, T., Krištůfek, V., Chroňáková, A., Setälä, H., Tsiafouli, M. A., Mortimer, S. R., Kukla, J., Frouz, J. 2019. Microbial communities in local and transplanted soil along a latitudial gradient. Catena, 173: 456-464.

Angst, S.,  Harantova, L., Baldrian, P., Frouz J. 2019. Tree species identity alters decomposition of understory litter and associated microbial communities: a case study. BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS   55: 525-538  

Vinduskova, O., Panek, T., Frouz, J., 2019.  Soil C, N and P dynamics along a 13 ka chronosequence of landslides under semi-natural temperate forest. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS   213: 18-29 

Frouz, J., Moradi, J., Pueschel, D., Rydlova J., 2019. Earthworms affect growth and competition between ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal plants. ECOSPHERE 10: e0273

Angst, G; Mueller, C. W.; Prater, I.,Angst, S, Frouz, J., Jilkova, V., Peterse, F., Nierop, KGJ. 2019.  Earthworms act as biochemical reactors to convert labile plant compounds into stabilized soil microbial necromass. Communications Biology. 2:UNSP 441.

Emsens, W.J., van Diggelen, R., Aggenbach, C. J. S.;  Cajthaml, T., Frouz, J., Klimkowska, A., Kotowski, W., Kozub, L., Liczner, Y., Seeber, E., Silvennoinen, H., Tanneberger, F., Vicena, J., Wilk, M., Verbruggen, E 2020. Recovery of fen peatland microbiomes and predicted functional profiles after rewetting. ISME Journal  DOI: 10.1038/s41396-020-0639-x

Frouz, J., Santrucková, H., Kalcík, J., 1997. The effect of wood ants (Formica polyctena Foerst) on the transformation of phosphorus in a spruce plantation. Pedobiologia 41: 437–447.

Frouz, J., 1997. Changes in communities of soil dwelling dipteran larvae during secondary succession in abandoned fields. Eur. J. Soil Biol. 33: 57–65.

Frouz, J., 1999. Use of soil dwelling Diptera (Insecta, Diptear) as bioindicators: a review of ecological requirements and response to disturbance. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74: 167–186.

Frouz, J., 2000. The effect of nest moisture on daily temperature regime in the nest of Formica polyctena wood ants. Insectes Sociaux 47: 229–235.

Frouz, J., Keplin, B., Pižl, V., Tajovský, K., Starý, J., Lukešová, A., Nováková, A., Balík, V., Háněl, L., Materna, J., Düker, C., Chalupský, J., Rusek, J. and Heinkele, T., 2001. Soil biota and upper soil layers development in two contrasting post-mining chronosequences, Ecological Engeneering 17: 275–284.

Frouz, J., Kindlman, P., 2001. The role of sink to source re-colonisation in the population dynamics of insects living in unstable habitats: an example of terrestrial chironomids, Oikos 93: 50–58.

Frouz, J., Ali, A., Lobinske, R.J., 2002. Influence of temperature on developmental rate, wing length, and larval head capsule size of pestiferous midge Chironomus crassicaudatus (Diptera : Chironomidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 95: (4) 699–705.

Frouz, J., Novakova, A., Jones, T.H.. 2002. The potential effect of high atmospheric CO2 on soil fungi-invertebrate interactions Global change. Biology 8: (4) 339–344 .

Frouz, J., Elhottova, D., Sustr, V., et al. 2002. Preliminary data about compartmentali zation of the gut of the saprophagous dipteran larvae Penthetria holosericea (Bibionidae). European Journal of Soil Biology 38: (1) 47–51.

Frouz, J., Ali, A., Frouzova, J., Lobinske, R.J., 2004. Horizontal and vertical distribution of soil macroarthropods along a spatio-temporal moisture gradient in subtropical Central Florida. Environmental Entomology 33: 1282–1295.

Frouz, J., Lobinske, R.J., Ali, A., 2004. Influence of Chironomidae (Diptera) faecal pellet accumulation on lake sediment quality and larval abundance of pestiferous midge Glyptotendipes paripes. Hydrobiologia 518: 169–177.

Frouz, J., Novakova, A., 2005. Development of soil microbial properties in topsoil layer during spontaneous succession in heaps after brown coal mining in relation to humus microstructure development. Geoderma 129: 54–64.

Frouz, J., Kristufek, V., Bastl, J., Kalcik, J., Vankova, H., 2005. Determination of toxicity of spoil substrates after brown coal mining using a laboratory reproduction test with Enchytraeus crypticus (Oligochaeta). Water Air and Soil Pollution 162: 37–47

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